Will Solace NSFW headcanons

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-So he likes marking you

-But he doesn't always mean to

-Since he is the camps number 1 doctor, he want's to be professional

-So hickeys on him don't happen on his neck

-Mostly on his chest (Honestly I kinda want to fuck Will ngl XD)

-If it does happen he will be very embarrassed

-But he secretly loves hickeys on him

-For you...

-He loves marking you up

-Again he doesn't always mean to, but he does

-Like...He never really means to leave any on your neck or anywhere obvious

-But like the rest of your body is fair game to him

-Chest? Yeah, Stomach? of course, Inside of your thighs? Abso-fucking-lutely

-He has the tendency to lock himself in the infirmary for long periods of time

-And he knows that, so when he does have a break he want's to leave you with something to remind you of him, because he will most likely trap himself in the infirmary after this break.


-He'll do both but prefers top

-He likes making you feel good what can I say?

-I think it kinda depends on the day though

-Like if he had a rough day in the infirmary and he just wants to lay back and watch you, he'll be a bottom

-But normally he is a top

-If he's frustrated he a top, or jealous, or really anything other than tired he'll top

-But If you ever want to top he'll let you top

-Unless you're in the middle of something than he has to finish what he started

-He's another big boy, he's like 6 feet tall so when he's on top he kinda towers over you (If not I'm sorry)

-He also likes looking at you so anything that lets him do that is a win in his book


-Dom Switch

-I think it would be pretty surprising to find out he was a dom

-Most of the time he is a dom which you never expected

-He can be such a sweet dom that just want's you to get off

-Or he can be kinda demanding and stuff, which is odd to say the least

-Like, Wow, never expected this from Will of all people to be like that

-He'll call you things like "Baby" or "Prince/ss"(Or something with your prouns)  or "Darling"

-As a sub he is kinda bratty

- "Are...Fuck...You really going to-UH-make me...hah...wait?"

-He is also a 'gets to impatient and flips ya' type of guy

Does he hold his s/o?


-He just loves you

-He loves holding you close and nuzzling you

-He will also rest his forehead on yours, while closing his eyes

Hero's of Olympus/Magnus chase NSFW preferences/ scenariosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz