Going out to buy condoms (mini)

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This dude is so dam shady. He walks in with sunglasses because it's the same store he buys stuff with his mom and he doesn't want to cashier to recognize him. He buys like a few other stuff buries the condoms under it. When talking to the cashier his voice gets like an octave deeper.

"Uh yes just that"


Jason is a buff dude. If he wants he can be pretty intimidating. So he kinda just grabs the condoms and pays. He doesn't say anything to the cashier, he just kinda nods at them. Ones he leaves he like let's put the BIGGEST sigh.

"How'd it go?"

"I hate you"


This CLOWN. When you mention needing condoms he acts as if he knows everything. He walks into that store so damn prideful. Ones he gets to the condom section he gets so confused. Normally you guys go together, you pick out the condoms and he pays. But after calling you and asking what to get he buys WAY more than he should. Smirks at the cashier.

"That all sir?"

"Got any lub-"


He's kinda dumb ngl. Like not in a bad way but for this we're gonna say you always buy the condoms. He doesn't pay attention to like the brand you get or the size. This poor dude kinda just...buys 3 different brands that he kinda recognizes and in like 3 different sizes because he's so confused. Oh and if he sees flavored condoms he's gonna be even more confused.

"Why the fuck would I want my condom to taste like a damn strawberry???"


Oh please he wishes to pass away. Like he's an adult and responsible and he's aware that it's perfectly normal to have sex. He isn't ashamed of that or anything. He just get's super nervous. Forget it if he has to ask someone where they are he would rather order them online or ask ANYONE else to buy them for him.  Has legit begged you to get them instead of him.

"Do you need any help sir?"



I feel like Will is the person at camp who has them. Like he knows it's agents the rules but he would prefer people be safe if they break the rules. Anyways...I honestly don't think he gets nervous or anything. He kinda just walks in and buys them. Making casual conversation with the cashier. The boys a charmer legit no one cares.

"Sun-spot I got them!"


Shaky boy. This fool walks in and he's shaking. He has his hood up, looks like he's going to steal something. Picks out what he needs and he's happy like 'thank gods its over' than he remembers he's gotta pay. He has half the mind to just run. But he does pay and bolts out the door.

"I'm never doing that alone again"


Oh my god poor baby. He has NEVER had to get them alone. You get them with him, or you get them alone. Hell even Blitz got them for him ones. (After an admittedly embarrassing conversation) so he walks in, he doesn't know the isle and he can't ask someone so he walks into all of them. Ones he finally does get them his hands shake while paying.

I think I got the wrong ones


WHAT A SMUG BITCH. Jk I love him. He walks in. Not not even walks he STRIDES in. He's bought them before so he knows what he's doing. He's also a bitch so he also will buy more than he actually needs. Somehow he thinks he's showing off???? He has the most smug ass smile on his face as he pays. Probably says some shit like "keep the change" and winks at the cashier.

"Is that all"

"Hmm I might buy a few more. These probably won't lost me long"


So a short explanation about where I've been; I took a break to write my other book than took an overall break for Christmas and than I got covid. I obviously couldn't write and once I got better I had writers block and now I have trigger finger in both my fingers...so yeah...

I wanted to put something out because this book hit 9K reads but new I wouldn't get anything out soon because I have so much school work.

So I'm offering you this short chapter that if you want full length scenarios about tell me here :) (like comment "yes I'd like a full length fic" or something(

Again I'm so sorry for being gone


Cashier: "i don't get payed about for this"

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