Magnus Chase NSFW headcanons

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-He likes hickeys

-Like he really likes hickeys

-But he know he'll be teased if any are left on you or himself

-Everyone on floor 19 would never leave him alone about it

-So most of the time hickeys are left somewhere that can't be seen

-Like for real he will fuckin lift up your shirt and leave hickeys undershirt as a joke

-But during sex he kinda looses himself 

-He will, On multiple occasions leave hickeys in various places that would be very noticeable

-I think it has to do with some type of primal urge in him, maybe its a son of Frey thing?

 -Meh but he leaves a quite a few on your neck and collar bone

-But we ain't gonna talk about places that are covered by clothes we ain't got the time

-But trust me there a lots


-I don't think he has a big preference

-He might like top more but it doesn't matter much to Maggie

-But if you like a one more he'll do the other

-Unless he want's to be a tease

-Than he'll do the other


-Alright so listen to me

-He's a switch

-But a dom switch (Why do I see so many of these boys as doms what is this?)

-I think he's one of those people who get's really into the moment about sex

-Like oh shit man

-So he likes being in control

-As a dom he can be kinda and stuff

-OR he can be a total bitch and be a such a Gods damn tease

-If he started the night as a dom he will not let his power go

- "Oh you wanted to call the shot's baby~ tsk tsk I don't think so"

-It kinda surprised you because he isn't always like that! 

-As a sub...

-He is also a bitch 

-He's Whiny and needy and bratty

-but in a hot way

- "Oh come on you know you don't want to leave me hanging"

- "You better just -UGh-"

-But there are times where he will submit more and that's kinda the best

-If he's subbing and you tease him to much that's when the best type of sub comes in

-But tease him to much he will switch you and tease the fuck out of you

Does he hold his s/o?:


-This is another touch starved baby

-He just want's to feel you

-His face is in the crook of your neck 

-In your cleavage/chest and I-  (Ha what cleavage? I have none ;-;)

Hero's of Olympus/Magnus chase NSFW preferences/ scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now