One and only crazy Protector

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[Y/n's P.O.V]

I was quite excited to meet these Bangtan boys. They were a world famous band after all so it was a golden chance for me. I had never seen their faces so I decided to know a bit about them.

I was amazed by the visuals of the members, like how can they be so damn handsome and every other word that could describe their heavenly features.

When I reached I was even more amazed. They live here???? So it was true when people said "You laugh at them and they laugh at your bank balance" Pretty cool...

I walked up to the main door, to my surprise it was already open. Such careless people. I peeked in and the first thing that took my attention was a boy, let me be clear, a handsome boy was holding my tampon.

I was so infuriated by that I started yelling, someone was talking but stopped after he saw me.
"Well Mister, that's my tampon!!!!"

The other members present there stared at me in utter shock, and so I continued yelling.....
"Don't you people have any manners?? Why are you touching other's things without their consent?? Can't you see a name there??"

I was so damn angry, who wouldn't be?? I took a step inside and closed a door. Oops I crushed the doorknob.

I was ready to charge myself at them, but one more person emerged from one of the rooms and started shouting,
"Yah!!! You all should consider that there's an innocent person taking a beauty nap!!! Why are you all shouting like monkeys???"

After all that yelling and shouting at each other stuff, everyone sat down.

I was sitting alone on a couch and the others were sitting on another large couch across me. I was facing this group of handsome crack heads and they were facing their one and only crazy protector who nearly killed them.

They all started introducing themselves.

First the leader RM. He had such cute dimples that my heart nearly exploded when he smiled and  not to forget he was a true gentleman.

Then the oldest member Jin. It was really funny that he called himself world wide handsome but it's true, I've never seen someone as handsome as this man.

The swag boi Suga literally told me not to disturb him if I'm going to stay here. But guess what, he gave me every reason to do so.

Then the sunshine of the group Jhope was extremely happy to have me here. I could feel the positivity and energy from him but his heart shaped smile reminded me of a horse though.

Another one called Jimin was short but his charms were definitely not less. His eyes closed whenever he smiled and I couldn't help but laugh at his cute behavior.

The V guy looked so innocent and his boxy smile with a deep yet soft voice were to die for. Now I know why he's the most famous one, but the others are also not less.

Last but not the least the Jungkook guy introduced himself. To be honest he was quite handsome but I was still angry with what happened before. When he flashed his bunny smile I nearly forgot what happened before, but I can control myself, only sometimes.

Finally I introduced myself, "Hello everyone, I'm Y/n and I'm here as your one and only protector." Hmmm. PROTECTOR quite a strong word right???

"I expected you to be a bit taller than Jimin hyung though" that bunny spoke. Jimin playfully hit him on the shoulder, I simply fake smiled. If only he wasn't that famous u would've already killed him.

Then a thought struck me,
"You know lil bro I'm actually one day older than you"
I said with a smirk on my face. Take that, bunny boy. Hahahahahahaha....

Everybody paused for a second then burst out laughing, I too enjoyed laughing with them. His expression was so funny.

Jungkook stopped and his expression changed to an annoying one. He rushed to his room with his tomato red face.

I shouted after him,
"You can call me big sis from now on, LIL BRO"

After the teasing Jin showed me to my room, it was a huge room with a large bathroom. I liked it.

"After you've finished washing up, you have to come to eat with us. You cannot protect us with an empty stomach, you know." Mr.WWH said before leaving the room. I nodded.

After unpacking my stuff, I went to the bathroom for a relaxing shower. Just what I needed after a lot of yelling and shouting.

I finished and went to join the others for my favorite thing FOOD.

The boys were already there, when they saw me they asked me to sit with them.

I saw some curious eyes looking at me and I knew they had some questions
"Okay, I know you want to ask me something. Bring on the questions you want to ask me."

I soon regretted my own words because I was fired with A LOT of questions

"Are you the rare type with the self healing powers?"

"Yup, undoubtedly I'm a rare person."

"So, are you all supposed to tomboyish??"

"No, no, it's just me. Depends upon our own choice."

"Have you been to space?"

"Yes, twice to be exact"

"Have you ever dated before?"

"Never had the time to."

"How many people have you killed till now?"

"More than 500 including aliens."

Their mouths hung open in surprise. Tae nervously gulped, which was funny for me.

"Do you have any weapons right now??"

"Ummm. Yes. Yes, I do have a gun right now but they'll send me more weapons."

I took out my gun and placed it on the table. Don't ask me where it was.

All the six boys including Jin who was cooking stared at the gun before them, like it was something from outer space.
Wait. What? Only six? Where's the maknae?

"Guys, where's Jungkook??" I asked with a serious face.

"He was here before but left to go to the bathroom." Namjoon replied. Now everyone was silent.

"I'll go and check on him." Jimin said while getting up from his seat.

Something doesn't seem right, I should go and check.

A loud crash was heard, like the falling of a vase.

I ran towards the direction of the bathroom. Jimin was on the floor, crawling backwards. He was scared.

I looked inside the bathroom

"I had expected the first day to be quite peaceful, but you pieces of shit ruined it."

I aimed my gun and started shooting.


A/N : The second chapter was quite a mess 😅. Plz forgive me if there are any grammatical errors bc I feel lazy to revise 🙄😂. Actually I'm not lazy but energy efficient. Plz vote if you liked it and comment your opinion about it so I can improve next time 🤗🤗😁.

PROTECTOR || Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now