Crying and the Nose

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We couldn't stay in the building anymore. Not after what Sib said. I freaking wanted to kill her!!!

Nobody spoke until we got back home. The whole group was silent including myself.

"We have to start packing up for the tour" Taehyung was the one to break the silence.

"When are you all leaving??" I asked "Maybe I have to go with you too"

"After two days" Namjoon sadly smiled. It was a very depressing time for us.

All the powers and their passions colliding, and creating a big mess. None of them wanted that and neither did I.

How could they give up on something that they've worked so hard to achieve?? I never expected Madam Sibia to make such harsh remarks.

When we reached home, we quietly went to our own rooms. The atmosphere was weird and suffocating, it felt too hard to breathe.

I started getting my things ready for the tour. Normally, people would get excited but the situation was too bad.

One mistake and they loose it all. It was gamble that could change everything for them. As much as I wanted them to do what they want I also didn't want them to get hurt.

I was pondering over these things when I heard a slight knock on my door.

"Come in"

Namjoon popped his head inside first then entered the room. He was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt, black sweatpants and a black beanie was covering his hair.

"You busy??" He asked, shifting uncomfortably.

I shoved my bag aside, which I had been packing without any sense because of all that anger and nodded.

There was a chair nearby so he sat down facing towards me.

"Um...well....I really appreciate what you did back know with the head lady out there." He didn't look up but just kept staring at the floor.

"Ahh.....about that.....she just made me so angry back then and I really want you guys to do what you want instead of being forced into something you don't like" I said, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Thank you Y/N" he looked up at me and smiled, showing his dimples "You are an amazing person"

A smile formed on my lips on hearing those words. Well because that's what I rarely heard. Even though I did lots of "Good work" nobody cared to say a thank you to me.

Then tears started streaming down my face. I didn't know why I was crying when I felt so happy.

Namjoon panicked when he saw me cry out of the blue. He crouched beside me and started say things "Did I say something inappropriate?? Oh god why are you crying?? Ahh what am I supposed to do now??"

I was crying and smiling at the same time. My body was bent  and Joon was trying to console me. Poor guy probably thought that I cried because of him.

Just then something hit my mind. I got a runny nose. Oh no its coming out!! I need tissues right now!!

I tried to block all that disgusting stuff from coming out with the back of my hand and stood up.

Just need to find the tissues now. Wait. Where did I keep them?? No this can't be happening right now, NOOO!!!!

Namjoon on the other hand was confused at my behavior. I should've told him what happened but unfortunately the situation had gotten worse and I was unable to speak.

I was about to rush to the bathroom when someone else entered. Jimin.......

He was all smiley sunshine before he saw me "Y/n have you been crying??"

Namjoon instantly spoke up "I-I don't know what happened but she started crying all of a sudden!! She won't even speak!!"

Hearing that Jimin leaped and was near me in a flash. He worriedly looked at me, well my red tomato face and runny nose that I had been hiding.

Like come on dude, how come those girls who cry in movies don't have a runny nose. It's all a lie, nobody looks pretty while crying.

Jimin tried to remove my hand from my face but I shoved him away with my other hand. Sorry chimchim,  I need to protect myself from embarrassment.

Maybe I outdid it because he started shouting and calling everyone in the house. I couldn't even go to the bathroom because Namjoon was standing in front of the door.

I tried to exit the room but guess what, I bumped into someone. Someone named Kim Taehyung, followed by Kim Seokjin with a ladle in his hand and Jeon Jungkook.

"What happened Y/N??!!" The three asked in unison. I wish I could answer.

Ignoring the question I tried to leave with my hand still covering my nose, and it was getting out of hand.

Then suddenly two firm hands gripped my shoulders. My brain froze, literally. I just stood there with a blank expression, staring at Jungkook who looked worried.

This is it. I should start digging a grave for myself. Someone save me. I NEED SOME TISSUES!!!!!

Maybe my thoughts were too loud because Min Yoongi appeared just in time to save me with a box of tissues.

My reflexes were amazing because it only took me a second to grab that box and disappear past the living room.

I entered the nearest bathroom there was and I refuse to describe what condition I was in. Just know that it was a very unpleasant sight.

After cleaning up I sighed and thought about what had happened. All those incidents were playing in my head like a movie, a horror movie.

I grabbed the handle and opened to door just to be met with guys who looked at me with grins on their faces.

"Are you fine now?? Miss Runny Nose" Jungkook teased me with a grin making everyone laugh.

Hah!! Min Yoongi I'll get back at you soon. I hope you hear that. You are dead. I will kill you!!!!!!!


A/N: I'm back finally!!!!! *applause*

Did you miss me?? Ofc you did.

Did you like this update?? I hope you do.

Are my exams coming?? Ofc they're on their way. They were just stuck in Asgard due to the lockdown but now they've confirmed their arrival a few weeks later 😀. I hope they get lost in Valhalla tho

But am I studying?? Pfft ofc not. Then who would update this instead to studying physics.

I'm so busy these days reading..........webtoons. Well there is still a whole month for the exams so........yeah I've not been studying.

Anyways thank you so much to the ones who are still reading this after I nearly abandoned it.

Special thanks to Nawang The Noodle for giving me positive feedback.

Last but not the least, Luff you a lot Kista for supporting me throughout and making me smile when I thought I didn't have any reason to. Godmom Luffs You Lots

And please vote and comment.

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