chapter 15

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Nam was excited in two days time Eve was getting married. She was going to attend a marriage after 10 long years. Nam had planned for a Hen party with some of Eve's friends from college and nurses from the hospital. She had taken 4 days off and was busy with arrangements for the party, seeing through the accommodation for the friends and guests.

Anand's and Eve's friends were arriving a day before the wedding, Anand's relatives were only some 10 members. Sharads parents were also arriving. Nam did not want to screw up. Nirvik also arrived to help Nam sort out the accommodations and reception arrangements.

Nam found Sharad has been silent for a week. There was no playfullness in his activities. He was turning a bit rough in his ways he used to handle Nam. Nam didn't fail to notice that he was becoming possessive over her his hugs and kisses were more dominating than than the soft lovely kisses they used to share. She was waiting for the right moment to talk.

When Sharad came home from hospital Nam was packing her bags for Eve's wedding.
"Sharad so can i take your dresses also with me?"

"Why?" he asked it came out a little harsh and loud than he intended

"You will be with your parents how to do you think you can explain to then about having a third persons dress"

"Third person? Why are you alienating yourself?"

"It's for our Good Nam, I'm just helping you have a great time, so you need not spend time thinking about ways to avoid me around your parents."

Nam laughed "are you serious Sharad? it looks like a possessive kid who's angry with me as I was spending most of my time this week away from him?"

"Namratha, you know what others want, you do so much for me, for Eve, even for My parents and kids but tell me what do you want?"

"me? what do I want for what? like to eat or to wear whats your question I don't understand."

"fine tell me what do you want to eat?"

"What do you have to offer?" Nam said

"How about idly and dhal kichadi?" he named the two dishes Nam hated

"Anything will be fine" she answered with a smile

"See this is what im saying you can't choose for yourself"

"Sharad i hate both the dishes so i answered in such a way the host doesn't get hurt whats wrong in that? How about you ask me something i like" Nam asked

"fine now choose me or your dad" Sharad brought the thunder with such force that Nams happiness shattered in a second

"How can you ask me like that?" Her eyes were filling up.

"What will be your answer when your dad asks you the question?"

"I want both of you how can i choose between you both" Nam answered as calm as possible

"Namratha life has many harsh turns when you keep compromising for each and everything at one point of time you will feel the burn that you have been living life for others. That will break many relationships. I don't want that to happen with us. I want you to be clear before our next step. Im just preparing you for a heavier blow"

"Sharad" Nam tried to touch his face he moved away
"you are confusing about me i have always been this way and i have never complained about it sharad."

"Life is never same before and after marriage Nam"

she understood that sharad was thinking about his past. she wanted him to snap out of it

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