chapter 7

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Sharad had a very tight night his heart wanted to be with Nam but the fire accident victims needed his attention.

After first aid many critically injured were transferred to the Government hospital and the first degree burn victims were asked to stay in observation and to be discharged the next day.

Eve was running between the ER and Post operative care to see Nam. anand stayed back and most doctors and nurses stayed back forgetting their shifts.

Nam's family had arrived the same time the fire accident victims were brought in. There were more than a 50 people who came in as Nams relatives. As the hospital belong to them it was difficult to manage them. But Nirvik and Nitin calmed down the family

They were not allowed into the post op care. they were made to stay in the newly constructed rooms.

Sharad became totally free only by  3am when he went to see Nam Eve was there by her bedside dozing off.

"Go home take rest bring the things she woukd need a change of clothes etc when you come in the morning" sharad told Eve

She didn't want to leave but thought Sharads idea was better. Anand offered to drop her and Eve hesitated. "Sharad gave me his house key i will be staying in his house" Anand said Eve nodded and they left.


Sharad noted Nams chart and checked her vitals. it was all normal with a sigh sharad sat next to her holding her hands. he wished he had told her how he felt deep within. He felt his hands being griped and Nam groaned twisting in the bed.

"hey  stay still theres a drain bag attached", Sharad warned her

"mmmm water", she muttered

sharad got some water and dipped a cloth in water and lightly wet her lips.

"i want more "

"you know you can't have more"

"yeah she sighed a little more please",sharad repeated the process and Nam caught his hands and sucked the cloth

"Did you peek ?"Nam asked feebly

"peek where" sharad asked

"When they were undressing me ?",Nam asked

"the whole ER was here" sharad replied

"Did u or did you not?" Nam asked

"So this is what you have been thinking the whole time you were sedated" shard tried to deviate the question

"Answer" Nam was firm

"Well i did not peek "

"but? i sense a but there" Nam asked

"But i was also the one who helped to cut open your dress and change you into the, operation scrub, technically i did not peek i saw you" sharad said with a low laugh

"Fine now that you have seen me when can i see you " Nam asked

"Nam your thinking out loud you are still under the anesthesia influence take rest".

"Nope i was on the verge of death and i decided i will talk anything i want". Nam winked

"Fine let me call your parents they are here ",Sharad told her

"How many guest did they invite?" Nam laughed

"Around 50" sharad guessed

"Tomorrow there will be more now go take rest you look like shit" Nam saw his hands and pointed "what happened?"

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