"That look will not get you anything doctor ",Eve answered

"This look got me a hot nurse let me see night is still young".

"No night is old and wraped up behave yourself tomorrow." Eve warned

After dinner Anand walked to the door hanging his head down

"Stay", said Eve

"What ? say again"

"Stay "Eve said shyly, and anand didn't need any more invitation.


"Hey can i see your tattoo i heard you speaking" A shy girl at about age of 25 came to see Nam

"what tatoo i dont have one"

"i heard you talk the other night sorry the walls are thin . my husband and i are tatoo freaks", she showed Nam dates in roman numerals and hearts and Phoenix bird "the way you said was unique so i wanted to see if you don't mind" the girl asked

Nam smiled" i was just kidding I don't have tattoos"

"its Ok if you dont want to show its ok", the girls just turned her back and walked away

'that was something", Nam thought and saw a familiar figure approach her room she was overjoyed

"Dr.david ?"Nam screamed and tears of joy rolled down her eyes.

"Nam dear im not happy to see you in this condition "david hugged her.

"What happened you are the most alert doctor i have ever seen"

"I let my guard down for a month and look where im "Nam smiled. "How are you? IS this a pre planned visit? Did you meet Eve and my Mom? "Nam kept on asking questions

"Wait wait wait relax Nam i will answer one by one". Nam found a new energy when she met dr.david As they were talking Nam saw the next room girls husband being taken to radiology

the girl was speaking in phone about Mri Nams sense highlighted. "Dr.david can you call that girl?" she asked

The lady had a dropping face when she peeped in. "where are they taking your husband" Nam asked


"she's a doctor too answer her" David demanded

"To Mri" she said

"Does he have any metallic tattoo"

"yes why?"

"Did you tell them about it" Nam enquired

"Why should i say all about that"

Dr david was already on his way to the Mri room.

"Run stop them" Nam told the girl.

Dr.david went to visit Sharad

"May i come in?" he asked

Sharad was surprised to see Dr.David

"Welcome welcome ",he said and closed the door and caught dr.David's collar
"You knew this would happen didn't you thats why you sent me here?" sharad asked.

"Is this the way you treat a guest or ur mentor ?"David asked tidying up his shirt
"Can i take it that my plan worked "David asked

"What are you a match maker now?" Sharads voice gave away that he was clearly irritated

"As a well wisher i think i know whats good for you both"

"No no no no no  you may be a well wisher for me but for Nam what you are doing is crime"

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