Eve found Nam's state very pitiful so she kept away the information that Dr.Anand shared to her about Dr.pradeep questioning their sexuality. she decided to bury it and not to make Nam more worried.

Eve was silent during Lunch"Did dr.Anand say anything" asked Nam

"Im im not ahhh, i do not have his contact number ",lied Eve

"i can't take it anymore , when Dr.Sharad comes in im going to confront him and get fired right away"

"Dont be silly Nam just calm down"

"You finish up your lunch . will see you later", Nam emptied her half finished lunch and stroll into the hospital
She needed distraction,She saw a familiar face ,"Mr.Dhandapaani hello what brings you to our hospital, are you sick you don't look so well than yesterday"

"im good dr.Namratha"

"Woow you know my name thats great"

"Well thank you for arranging my kitchen i hate to do that"

"Thats alright i had time. Well your kids and wife will be coming soon so a little help for my rescuer" they both walked into an elevator

Mr.Dhandapaani was quiet looking deep into her

Nam smiled at him and asked "What? are you Ok?"

"Im fine but you look different than yesterday"

"Well that was makeup and this is all me"

"hmmm You looked good yesterday today you look so ordinary"

For the 1st time in her life Nam felt self conscious

At the next floor The gynecologist Dr.Preetha stepped in

"Hello Namratha, hello dr.Sharad hope you like our hospital" she said to Mr.dhandapaani

Sharad looked at Nam the color of her face has drained completely. He had a mild smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Going Good dr.Preetha . Im sorry I had to cancel my meeting with your department earlier today will reschedule soon".

"Thats alright you must be a busy guy" Preetha flirted

Nam just prayed either the lift to stop in the next floor or for her to drop dead

luckily the lift stopped in the next floor that seemed like Eons arrived

"See you later dr.Preetha" Nam jumped out and ran down the stairs in search of Eve.

While she was descending the stairs Matron Jennifers voice called for the emergency responders team to the OPD

Dr.Chandran was already there two women in fully clad pardha were standing with their husbands and some commotion going on. A girl clad in full pardha was down and a nurse was holding the patients head and providing ventilation.

Dr.Chandran summoned Namratha

"This patient has cyanosis and they are not allowing to check her. So i need you to examine the patient by the time get the Er ready and the oxygen cylinders ready and get the cardiologist and pulmonologist"

Matron Jennifer stood there waiting for orders from Nam by the time Dr.Sharad was descending the stairs. Nam just looked at Jenni and shook her head.

Nam whisperd to Chandran "Doctor its not cynosis her extremities are warm and her pulse and vitals are normal"

"Dont try to out smart me Namratha look at her nails! im the head and its my call" Chandran shouted in front of all the patients and the patient was being loaded in a stretcher

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