The Encounter

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                            ( Toga POV)
I just finish tieing up the lose end that is Izu teacher now time to go get my Izu. I walk out the bathroom and start to make my way to his table. He didnt see me walk up so I sat right down. Then he ask me " Ummm what are you doing miss." I tilt my face up and look him dead in his eyes and said " To bring you back home not let's go your teacher could wake up any minute now." " T-t-toga is that you. " I put my hand on his shoulder and said "Yes now le-" then I was cut off by the little girl saying " Get away from him I wont let you hurt daddy again I wont let you make him a villain like overhaul stay away." I glared at her then Izu spoke " Toga I'm not going to be a villain  b-" I cut him off " You will come with me and be a villain damn it." I started to cry " I cant do this with out you I love you Izu just please come back to me please." I grab his shirt begging him he hugs me and says " Shhhhhh there another way we can be together calm dow please. " I start to clam down and then I ask "What's the other way." As soon as I said that I felt a cloth wrap and tighten around me. Then I heard " You can come do rehab and become a normal person in this world and I'll wipe your records clean for you or you go to prison and on to death row."  I gulp saying " I don't think I can be a normal person. The little girl hugged me and said " We help Daddy become better I bet we can help you out alot so pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease let us help you." " I guess it wont hurt to try rehab become a normal girl." They all smile at me and Izu kisses me and says " Let's ok get this party started." Then we start on the car and we were on are way.

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