Deku's Rehab Begins

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                             ( Aizawa POV)
Damn it out of all things to happen he went off the deep end. He joined the league of villains he clearly has stackhomlm's  syndrome for Himiko Toga. Lucky we have hero rehab to help most the time brainwashed hero go back to being good. I pray this works it most the time takes a week to work .  I'm about to go in and have a talk with Izuku. I walk in the room and the first thing I hear is " WHERE THE FUCK AM I." " Your at UA in the hero rehab program to help you with  your stockholm ." " I dont have that." He snaps back. I sigh and say " Izuku listen tell me what happened while you where with her." He looks at I see hope fighting in his eyes while he tell me the story. He sounds heavily scared by that second night. I hug him and say "  She cant hurt you anymore." He starts to cry and says " But I s-still love her I want to go back to her please let me go." I tell him we cant do that and we where going to start the step to healing him .  He nods in agree meant. Then we have every who missed him come in one by one and tell him that they missed him and want him to go back to normal and hangout again he stayed quiet sometimes smiling at them. Until the last one who was Eri. She walked in and yelled "DADDY I MISSED YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO MUCH." 

                         ( Deku POV)
They have Eri come in and my heart melts as hugs me and tell me that she missed me. I say " I missed you to snowball." " Uncle Nezu said you join the bad guys." She said with a anger face. I hang my head low knowing I disappointed the girl who's basically my daughter. She lifts my chin up and says " Dont be sad Daddy i'll help you fix your mistake everyone makes mistakes." I start to cry hugging her while thanking her. She broke the hug and said " Your still my hero Daddy and soon your be all better and fight the bad guys and girl that hurt you." I smiled at her and said " Thank you snowball I really need to hear that and Aizawa I'm willing to try this rehab program for me to be a great hero for Eri." Aizawa smiles and hugs me and says " That's the spirit problem child I know you can get thorugh this ." Then I ask " who's going to watch my snowball for me while I'm healing. " " Me unless you want someone else to do it." " No that perfect you and Present Mic will be great care taker for Eri she likes you both any way." He smiles and says " Let's go Eri Mydorida needs some rest." They leave the room and lock the door form the out side. I'm glad there helping me but damn I miss Himiko I love her I want to see her again maybe once this helps me we can capture her and she can do this and get reformed into the world that would be nice.

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