The league Attack

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                        (Toga POV)

I was in the middle of my second to last meeting with doctor Mydorida when we hear a loud BOOM and the alarm start to go off. Next thing I know Deku runs in the room and says " Its the league." A chill goes down my spine as I hear it my former family I know it far to late for us to try and save most of them . I think if Dabis brother talks to him he could be swayed. The next thing we here is Dabi yell " Toga come home we miss you just come out and come with us." The next thing I know is Izu picks me up and starts to run he runs me to the opposite said of the campus and says " Go to my moms apartment I know you know where it is I'll be there when I'm done here . I nod but before he leave I say " Tell Todoroki that Dabi is Toya Todoroki I think he can save him." He nods and runs off as I run to my future morther in laws home.

                           (Todoroki POV)
Where holding them off when a blast of flames hit me I fall to the ground in pain to see Dabi standing over me. He tsk and starts up his quirk when I hear someone yell " Toya stop I know you domt wnat to hurt your brother." I see him stop and I look behind him to that Mydorida yelled it and the next thing hear is Dabi say " So blonde told you. Your right though I cant hurt Shoto but I can hurt you he starts up his quirk but before he can use in I knock him out with a block of ice and then think ' So this is where you ran off to .'  Then freeze him in a sold block of ice and went to fight the other members of the league.

                          (Bakugou POV)
I see the dam fuck that took me at camp and I charge him. I shoot a explosion and his good arm breaking it then I get on top of him a start going  beating the shit out the dam bastards till hes out cold.

                           ( Spinner POV)
I hear face plam call for portal man to take everyone who isn't knock out and leave I think we have to leave Dabi and my bro Compress. I run thorugh the portal before I'm add to that list and let a tear out in defeat.

                     ( Deku POV)
There plan backfired bigtime Toga is safe at the apartment we captured Dabi and Compress and the league of villains had to go back into hiding being down to only three people there attack was actually a great victory for the heros we take Compress to prison and Dabi a place Todoroki say is even worse then prison to his farther number 1 pro hero Endeavor. I go to the apartment to find Toga hiding under a blanket I walk in and say " Its ok Toga it's just me we took down Dabi and Compress in the fight and your safe here." She pops out from under the blanket and hugs me and I think I want this to last forever.

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