The Raid

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(Iida POV)
We crashed into the house there was no one on the first floor. With out a second thought I ran to the basement with my team behind me to see Izuku hand and hand with Himiko Toga. With the rest the league around him. Everyone that was with us then burst into the basement. That's when Toga yells " NOT FAIR MY IZU JUST ACCEPT HIS TRUE FEELINGS FOR ME AND JOIN THE LEAGUE YOU CANT TAKE HIM I WONT LET YOU." After hearing this I froze h-he join the league of villains how is that possible. My thoughts where broke by me getting cut across the face. All the league is ready to fight even Mydorida. I guess we have to beat him to save him. Toga kept swinging her knife at me cutting me a few times till I hit her with a kicked boosted by my recipro burst that sent her flying into a wall. After that I saw Mydorida looking at me with a confused look. His look said that he wanted to attack me for hurting her but he likes me to much to attack me. I look around and see we are over powering the league. That's when a bunch of black portals open and the league start to go in Mydorida was about to walk into his when I started running at him hes half way through when I yell " RECIPRO BURST." and go at my max speed grabbing him and pinning him down. The portal snapped closed . We did what we came to do but we didn't think he would have went off the deep end and join his captors he must have stockholm syndrome . Hes yelling and screaming for Himiko and I on top of him holding him down when I hear Aizawa say " Knock him out." I do what I'm told and we bring him back to U.A.

(Toga POV)
I walk through the portal and I here Misty man say " Is everyone here." I look around and say " Wheres Izu?" Then Dabi said " Speedy fuck grabbed him before he could escape." I broke down on the floor crying. " How could they take him how could they I want him back I need him back." That's when Dabi put his hand on my shoulder and said " We will hell you get him back." " But what if he goes back to being a hero I dont want to have to back track to fix him again he just accept his feelings." Dabi hugged me and told me everything was going to be ok and we will get Izu back. I calmed down and we started to make a plain to get him back.

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