Chapter Eleven ... Curse Breaker

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Avery seemed confident, but he needed me and I was trying to be there for him, I was still wrapping my head around my decision to agree to help his friends

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Avery seemed confident, but he needed me and I was trying to be there for him, I was still wrapping my head around my decision to agree to help his friends. A' mosh and I were back on the road, only an hour after meeting Michaëlle, and seeing her power first hand, we were headed to Derwin, to pick up some shit from Avery's shop.

"You agreed to help his friends? What made you change your mind?" A'mosh asked. "Avery sees them as his family, what would happen to our bond if something were to happen to them?" I rhetorically asked. "It's better to just try and help him, although I don't think they'll be able to save Amber, that woman was powerful." A'mosh said.

"Yeah, and she has friends in one of the hyena tribes. Worst case scenario, how do we handle a war, with witches and hyenas?" I asked. "We outnumber the hyenas and if we need them, the sister packs will undoubtedly lend us some help." A'mosh said. I hoped it wouldn't come to a war, but after the Mambo's display, I couldn't see a good outcome.

We talked some more, during the drive, until we pulled onto the deserted road that the shop stood on. We parked in front of the building and got out. "Your mate is a real witch." A'mosh said, like seeing the shop had somehow made it real for him. I used the key Avery gave me and I opened the door. We walked inside and turned on the lights. The inside smelled heavily of incense and candles.

It was stuffed with occult stuff, and suddenly, it all became a little real for me. Avery was into some shit, that I wasn't familiar with. How was I supposed to handle all this?

"Alpha, what are we here for again?" I asked. A'mosh turned and scanned the room. "Avery said he needed something from the backroom, a book, and some herbs. Oh, and he wanted graveyard dirt." He answered.

"What graveyard? No... I didn't agree to take my ass into anybody's graveyard. No, serio..."

"Shawn, calm the fuck down, the dirt is here, Ave said it's in the backroom." He said, and I could feel myself relax. I don't do spooky shit, sue me. We walked deeper into the shop, walking through a beaded archway. The next part of the shop was wall to wall books and jars of dried herbs. The left side was filled with fat jars filled with dried herbs, shit with the weirdest names.

Like Dove Tears, Dragons blood, powdered Cattails. Just a bunch of strange shit.

 Just a bunch of strange shit

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