The Tower // Enchanted Forest

Start from the beginning

"Will someone just help me?!" She cried out to nobody. 

"Quiet down, would you!" A voice came from behind her. 

She yelped and turned around to find a little man with scaly skin standing by her window. Terrified, she grabbed a frying pan, left behind by Leopold, from the small table by her bed and held it out in protection. 

"What are you?" She asked. 

"Now that's not very nice, is it?" He said, quieter. 

Rapunzel didn't move. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips were pursed. She tried to seem strong and assertive, but he seemed to see right through her. 

He cleared his throat and bowed slightly. "Rumplestiltskin," he said with a smile. He stood straight and the smile vanished. "Otherwise known as the Dark One." 

She stepped back. "The Dark One? My father has told me stories about you."

"You and I both know that Leopold is not your father." 

She dropped the frying pan to her side and looked down. "He's the closest thing I have to one." 

"Well he sure loves that perfect little Snow White of his."

"Don't!" She yelled. Rumplestiltskin's smile came back. 

"See, this is why I'm here." He said, moving closer to her. "I sensed a bit of - um - anger coming from the tip top of this tower, dearie. I could hear your cries bouncing back and forth and back and forth in my head. I realized the only way to get you to stop," he was now in her ear, singing  "was to get you out of here." 

"How?" She asked. She knew better than to trust the Dark One, but if he could promise her freedom...

"I'm the Dark One!" He snapped, then smiled again, "I can do anything with a bit of dark magic. Would you be willing to use some?" 

"I don't have any magic," she said with a chuckle. 

"Ah, but you do. Do you ever talk with your mother?"

"She's as good as dead to me," she replied without missing a beat. He pointed at her and giggled. 

"That's what I'm talking about. That anger, the hatred that you feel can be used to make something magnificent, something beautiful. Feel it." He commanded. 

"I feel it everyday," she answered. 

"Then hone in on it. Concentrate." 

Rapunzel closed her eyes. Thinking about her mother treating her like a prisoner, a bastard, like she wished she never existed. Her heart became heavy with anger and she couldn't breathe. Her hands became hot...really, really hot. 

"No," he gasped. 

When Rapunzel opened her eyes, she watched as her hands became electrified and caused sparks to come from them. 

She screamed and jumped back and her hands became normal again. "What was that?!"

"That...was not dark magic..." he said, obviously as shocked as she was. "That's a neutral gift."

"What does that mean?" She asked. Her breathing grew heavier. 

"It means you're not the answer." He said, now sounding disappointed. He turned from her and proceeded to walk away.

"Wait!" She called, "you said you'd get me out of here!" 

"Because I thought you carried dark magic. Neutral magic...that's more dangerous." 

"And you don't need that?" She asked, begging now. "Please, Dark One, free me. I'll give you anything."

He turned around. "A...a deal?" He asked. 

"Yes, I'll make you a deal! Whatever you want!" 

He smirked. "I do love when they say that." He turned around. "Alright dearie, just remember, all magic comes with a price." 

"I'll pay it." 

He sauntered to her, stroking her long, golden hair. "Give me a piece of your hair." 

"Seriously?" She couldn't help but laugh. "I mean, you can try. No one has ever been able to cut it off, hence it being so long." 

"You'd be surprised," he said, "So do we have a deal?!" He said, jumping up and down like a child. 

"As long as you'll free me? Absolutely." 

"A deal!!" He exclaimed. A pair of sheers appeared in his hand and with one swift motion, a small piece of hair was sitting in his hand. It began to glow, its light blinking on and off. Rapunzel's eyes widened as she watched him put it in a small jar. 

"What is happening?" She asked. 

Rumplestiltskin gave her a brief explanation about her hair and its magical qualities. He left out the part that he was responsible for it. 

"So how do I learn?" 

He shrugged. "Trial and error?" 

"Now!" He said, spinning away, "your freedom. Do you have any idea where you'd want to go? Any skills? Any way to survive?" 

"No," she said, "but I'll figure it out. Anything is better than here." 

"Then let's get you out of here." He said and snapped his fingers. 

Rapunzel was alone, by a stream of water. Her bare feet touched the grass and she breathed in the fresh air for the first time in her life. 

For the first time ever, she was free. 

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