E: so hey it's me. Uhm well there is a party this weekend and I just want to see if you would want to go.

He read it over and over again until he just hit send. He tossed his phone on the bed to get ready for school. Walking down stairs, he felt a little uneasy.

"Eric sweetie! So nice of you to join!" A soft voice said. He stopped at the bottom of the steps to see his mother standing there, smiling.

"You're back early." He said. She nodded.

"Yup! We had left early for a little inconvenience, but in no time we will leaving again." She said, finish making breakfast. He nodded his head and grabbed his book bag.

"Do you have practice today?" She asked.

"No. I'm going over a friends house after school. Help him catch up on his school work." Eric said, running up the stairs to grab him phone. No new messages. He sighed and ran back down the stairs.

"Which friend sweetie?" She asked, as Ronnie came down the stairs.

"New kid at school. Hes gotten really close to him." Ronnie teased. Eric secretly flipped off his brother without his mother looking.

"Well that's great sweetie! Why dont you invite him over for dinner tonight? That way it's not a hassle for his mom."

Eric looked at Ronnie and they both shrugged.

"I can see. Hes kinda stand offish. I will ask him later." Eric said, running out the door and getting in the car with Alex.

"Mom's home. Dont know how long it will be there." Eric said outloud. Alex looks confused.

"I thought you liked it when your mom is home." Alex asked.

"I do. Just something seems off."

"Ever since you started to hang out with Jason, everything has been off to you!" Alex screamed.

"That's not true. I'm just a little-"

"Intrigued? Curious? Stalkerish? Creepy?" Alex teased. Eric glared at his friend.

"I'm joking man. It just seems like you're wrapped up in him."

"Is someone jealous?" Eric teased back. They finally made it to the school parking lot. Eric got out of the car and felt uneasy. He looked around to see if anyone was watching him but no one was around. Alex waved his hand in front of Eric's face.

"Dude quit zoning out. Its weird." He said, walking towards the school. Eric followed behind him.

"So when is Jason coming back?" Hela asked Eric. Eric shrugged his shoulders.

"What he is going through is tough. And honestly I wish you guys would at least give him a try. Hes not that bad of a person." Eric said, grabbing his books. Jeanie gave him a slight smile.

"I think you're right. Maybe we were just being too hard on him." She said.

"Thank you!" Eric said. Just as when she was about to say something, her eyes widdened and she started to point forward. Eric turned to see Jason walking towards the small friend group.

"Jason? I thought you would be out for a little while." Eric said, puzzled.

"I need to get a distraction. Just sitting at home thinking about it will hurt more." Jason replied, bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Jeanie wrapped her arm around Jason's.

"Why dont you sit with us today at lunch?" She asked him. Jason gave her a weird look.

"Are you sure you want me to be around you?" Jason asked. Jeanie nodded her head.

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