Chapter 23: arguments

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They looked at me at surprise, they stayed quiet waiting for a explanation.

Kc: I don't want to be harsh or anything but their kicks are really weak. There stamina sucks as well they need to work on that.

They nodded understanding, they started thinking on what could do.

Remy: Alright so training should be tougher

Kc: Yes I can give you idea is you would like, In Shiratorizawa we did hard core training.

Sato: Alright any ideas?

Kc: Stretching at least has to be for 10 minutes, 1 mile run, kicks at least 30 each person, have 1 team defend only and the other attack and them switch it around.

Both nodded, it felt weird taking charge especially since I was just a 18 year old. After 10 minute they went back to play I sat out watching them. They actually started to get a bit better. Eventually one of the player got tired so I went in. I decided to go easy on them so they could learn.
The game was about to end 5 minutes left. I saw the ball high up in the air. I took a few steps back then ran and jump high in the air. I turn my body side ways and kicked the ball it went straight pass the goalie and into the net. I safely landed on the ground a bit of pain stuck through my leg since I jumped pretty high I'm the air plus it's been years since I did that move.

Kc: Damn it's been a while *Smiles*

Everyone looked at me in 'aw' and started to whisper things.

"no wonder they called her speeder"
"I thought they were joking about her tricks"
"Dude we are nothing compared to her"

Eventually the game ended and Taro's team won again.

Mike: Didn't know you still had it in you.

Kc: Well it's been a while it wasn't the best but it did the trick.

Mike scoffed and muttered something under his breath. I notice everyone seemed a bit gloomy and it was because of the trick I did. I did the trick for a reason and it was to inspire them I knew this was going to be their reaction at first.

Kc: Alright who can tell me how long it took be to learn that move.

Everyone looked confused, and started to talk amongst themselves.

Girl: 3 weeks?

Kc: Oh hell nah! This move took me 10 months to do!

There eyes widen a bit, it wasn't that surprising to be honest tricks take lots of practice.

Kc: If you want to do something and and be good at it you have to practice a lot. You're not going wake up the next day and some how be amazing. Nothing ever works like that. Want to be good a soccer you will have to practice you ass off. Understand?!?

Everyone: Yes Ma'm

Kc: Good well practice is over makes sure to rest also study grades are important as well!

They nodded then bowed and then they ran off to go change. I decide to stay in my uniform and just change back to my shoes. On the side I saw the boys they looked amazed.

Kc: What are you guys doing here?

Noya: Well since Volleyball practice ended early today we wanted to come see you play.


Kageyama: Y-Yeah I never knew you could jump that high!

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