Chapter 3: Match

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The boys started to fight again I groaned in annoyance.


Kc: Daichi is really sweet most of the time but when he's mad, you won't like him!

Tanaka: and I would annoy Gorgeous here either. If you think Daichi is scary when mad wait till you see her

They shivered and I deadpanned, I'm not that scary I think.

Tanaka: And if He finds out that we are practicing early we are so dead!

Kc: I talked to Daichi about you guys yesterday. He said somethings but I won't say anything cause you will have to earn it!

They groaned, but nodded the door then opened and Suga appeared.

Tanaka: Suga!

Kc: Oh....

Suga explained how Tanaka was being stupid about getting the key to the gym.

Suga: Don't worry I won't tell

Kc: You are the best!

I went to hug him, he hugged me back. He had a small blush on his face. I laughed a bit, he ended up helping us out which was good cause he's a good player. The boys started to argue again some harsh word there thrown at Hinata by Kageyama.

Kc: H-Hey it's almost 7! We should clean up.

That got everyone out of that heated argument and we started to clean up.
After school we went to the gym the team started to practice. Tanaka and Suga looked very sleepy which will probably rise suspicion.

Kc: Jeez you guys need to stop yawning, Daichi might get suspicious.

Suga: we aren't use to this...

Tanaka: How come you don't look tired!

Kc: I'm use to it

They started to yawn again, I mentally face palmed but I can't blame them waking us at 5 in the morning everyday is hard.

Daichi: You 2 look sleepier than usual

We stiffened up we looked at each other and freaked out a bit. We turned around to face him, he looked serious

Suga: Maybe I've been studying to hard

Tanaka: Yeah studying

Kc: Thats doesn't sound convincing for you!

Before Daichi said something he got interrupted by 2 students. We were glad, one had blonde hair and the other had black hair. They introduce themselves to everyone.

???: I'm Kei Tsukishima....

???: Hello Im Tadashi Yamaguchi

Ryoko came to me and leaned to my ear, it scared me a bit.

Ryoko: Is it me or all these 1st years tall and adorable!

Tsukishima: So your Kc Pax, I heard lots of things about you

Kc: Yes I am and oh?

Yamaguchi: I KNOW YOU!

Yuki: Im sure you do she is pretty famous! The great Kc Pax

Kc: Haha so funny...

Yamaguchi: I know that! But she is also known as Speeder!

I choked on air, my eyes widen. I looked away embarrassed.

Haikyuu ( Daichi x Oc )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu