First Encounter

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T/N = Transformers/Name

No ones pov

Megatron is standing in front of his control console of his ship. Looking out with his hands folded behind him.

Starscream hesitantly walks over to him. Megatron turns his head, starting deep into Starscream's optics, stopping him dead in his tracks.

Megatron: What is it, Starscream?

Starscream: I wanted to inform you on your Scouts location.

Megatron: I already know where he's going. *turns around* Why do you waste my time!?

Starscream takes a step back and puts his arms in front of him.

Starscream: My Lord, some of our fliers spotted him driving north of our current location.

Megatron: he should be going west!!

Megatron turns around and slams his fist on his console.

Megatron: Scout REPORT IN NOW!!

Scout: repotting in Lord Megatron.

Megatron: Why are you going north instead of West!?

Scout: My alt mode is a car, my Lord. The direction I received from Starscream was intended for an aircraft, not... car.

Megatron: How long will it take you!?

Scout: About ten minutes, my Lord.

Megatron turns to Starscream, burning his optics through Starscream's spark.

Megatron: I would recommend you how you say "pedal to the medal.""

Scout: already on it, my lord.

Megatron cuts the com.

Megatron: Now... you better have a good reason why you wasted my time... NOW!!!

Starscream chuckles as he stars at Megatron.

Decepticon grunts are outside of an abandoned cave system. The revering of an engine catches their attention.

Pointing their blasters at the Camera as it transforms into a sixteen and a half foot tall robot with the front of the grill becomes the upper chest, the two doors on the back like wings with Decepticonn symbol

The Deception raises his arms.

T/N: Decepticon T/N reporting for duty.

The grunts look at each other, then back to T/N.

Grunt: What took you so long?

T/N walks over to the grunts.

T/N: You can thank Screamer for that. He gave me the wrong coordinance.

Grunt 2: Screamer?

Grunt: he means Starscream. Why are you here?

T/N: I got orders from Lord Megatron to make sure everything goes to plan.

Grunt 2: Understood. I'll lead you to the Energon.

T/N: Lead the way.

T/N and the grunt walk inside as the other laughs at Starscream's nickname.

T/Ns pov.

As me and the Grunt walked closer and closer to the raw Energon, I decided to figure out how it was going.

T/N: What's so important that you need me here?

Grunt: it's the Energon.

T/N: What's wrong with it?

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