The Argument Part 2

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Megatron is standing in front of his control console of his ship. Looking out with his hands folded behind him.

Jack, Miko and Rafael walk out of the school entrance and see T/N in his ault mode. The three of them walk over to T/N as his doors open.

Rat: street racing. *leans forward* then what was your ault mode before?

T/N: I don't want to disclose that information...

Sitting down on a metal chair T/N puts Jack down and lightly holds Arcees hand.

Bulkhead: where did she-

Miko: *inside the mine* woho!

Megatron and Starscream transforme and walk inside the mine.

The Argument Part 2...

T/N pov.

Walking to the exit Bulkhead tries to communicate through our Comms.

Bulkhead: T/- *static* Miko ra- *static*
We ran af- *static* try an- *static*

The signal cuts off and I look up and sigh...

T/N: frag my sparke... *facepalms* why does she do these things?

????: *ecko* hello Cleveland!!

Following the ecko I see Miko looking around, shaking my head I walk behind her and cross my arms.

T/N: I thought Bulkhead told you to stay with him and Jack?

Miko: *sarcastically looks around* no...

T/N: Miko... Why are you in here?

Miko points in the detection she came from and looks at me.

Miko: Bulkhead said it was safe!

T/N: I dought that... Come on let's go.

Miko: bu-

T/N: Now.

Miko grunts in anger and kicks a rock. 
She slowly walks behind me as we walk past an open space. My spark sinks as I see Megatron and Starscream.

Going behind cover a signal Miko to take cover as well.

Starscream: I still don't see why we're here my lord.

Miko: *quietly* why are they here?

T/N: *quietly* I don't know, just stay put.

Megatron: I wanted to see how far you will go to cover your tracks.

Starscream: I don't know what you're talking about my lord.

Megatron punches his fist in the wall and pulls out a chunk of raw Energon.

Megatron: I thought you said this mine was depleted?

T/N: *quietly* depleted my tailpipe... *looks at Miko* We need to- *frantically looks for Miko* Miko.

Seeing Miko hiding behind a rock with her Phone in her hand. I clench my fists and curs at Primes himself.

T/N: *quietly* why doesn't she listen!?

Starscream falls to his knees as Megatron points his cannon at him.
Miko peaks over the rock and takes a picture... With the flash on.

Starscream sees the flash and points it out to Megatron.

Starscream: one of the Autobot pets!

Megatron looks over and sees Miko, he points his cannon at her but flinches as me Energon blast hits his arm.

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