stranger solace

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stranger solace


earwarmer, speechless. twirling hair and that resin left behind decaded tape. maybe it'll be a quiet love, one that hides behind sincerer compliments and smiles. an underrated love, under shades and pinky promises.

or perhaps that stranger will remember your face, unremarkable a sin. to think and ponder and wonder what if, and it doesn't hurt because no, never. in heart-shaped candies and twine - maybe it would be fine..

walk with me, I'll walk with you. say a clever thing, or maybe two. though the stars never did align,,

what a strange hole you've left me with. such a daunting task of decoration left on my hands. what a dismal little chasm, a foolish bitter land. it's almost like I gave my heart to a ghost. almost.

but now we're left with stranger love, strangers' love. find some care in strangers, love. keep that heart unscathed, my love.

find solace in loss of love, just enough, just a touch. starved enough to give it up, what's to lose, there's no rush.

((a/n: inspired by the tumblr post below))

((a/n: inspired by the tumblr post below))

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