gifted my ass

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gifted my ass


I shouldn't feel alone in all my anger.

the chains burrowed so deep into my skin that they've permanently disfigured my bones - they are left irreparably misshapen by dull golden stars and lost energy. segregation is alive and well in the public education system, where it is not only integral, but celebrated. these programs designed to push and tug and maim until you're so perfect you're bleeding out of tiny tiny holes that you put trendy little band-aids on, until you're so spotless you're holding your breath for fear a hair might fall out of place.

I'm fucking angry. I was vulnerable and a predatory system narrowed eyes on prey. I'm angry that I'm so unknown to myself. I'm angry that people continue to fight.

I'm angry and I'm upset and the world is so jagged and it feels very hopeless. fuck me i guess

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