Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 8

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"Good to know, now focus on the damn symbol. What is it for?" Alex said nodding towards the Thouwai.

"It's a symbol for the soul."

"What's it used for?"

Ahriman shrugged. "Frankly, a lot of things. It can be used to map one's soul, look into their memories. The Wang-u-Pa used it to look at their past lives."

"Why would your father want that?" asked Hadrien.

"I don't know," Alex admitted reluctantly. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

"Most likely for information. The question is for what and-" Ahriman frowned as he removed the Thouwai with a snap of his finger. He signaled for Hadrien to take Erin who still hasn't woken up.

"And?" Asked Alex, not liking the expression on Ahriman's face.

"How did he find this place?"

"He is most likely a member of Tenebra," Alex said, who wouldn't be surprised if his father was a member of a cult dedicated to dark magic.

"No, this place has been forgotten even by the Tenebra for at least a thousand years. No mortal knew of its existence," Ahriman muttered and seemed to walk around the area, stopping in some places like he is trying to find a trace.

"You don't think it is my father doing?" Alex asked.

"No, your sleazy father is definitively the culprit. I can sense his twisted practice of magic all over the place. It's just that he cannot have found this place on his own. He must receive help."

"From who?"

"I am more concerned with what. From what did he receive help. I thought I was the only one who knew of this temple. Who else could have known?" Ahriman muttered, not really listening anymore.

"Who cares? Let's get out before we freeze to death," Hadrien replied, holstering Erin upon his back.

"Yeah, I might have mentioned it before but my plan of handling the bronze minotaur might have one slight problem as aftermath," Alex said trying to sound casual as he chuckled.

"We are cut off from the surface," Hadrien said, his eyes narrowed. "I assumed that you had another plan to get us to the surface."


"Merveilleux," Hadrien muttered trying not to drop Erin who had started to squirm. They both turned to Ahriman whose eyebrows shot in the air.


"You know pretty much all there is to know about this place. You must know another way out of this place.

"And if I don't?"

"Then you better get help because I don't intend to die down here," Alex muttered staring at the relief of Zarazen. He had no intention of staring at that thing while he dies.

Ahriman watched Alex for a while, eyes unreadable before he shrugged. "There is no other way out."

His eyes turned to the southeast wall, burning with a dangerous glow the wall started to crack and bend to his will. "Doesn't mean that we can't make one."

A tunnel started to manifest itself and Ahriman walked through it with Alex and Hadrien at his heel. Alex wasn't sure how to feel of the rumbling coming from the walls like they were ready to cave in, but he prayed to every one of his ancestors to ensure that it doesn't. Hadrien seemed calmed down and didn't even flinch when the ground shook, dirt coming down from the roof.

Ahriman lifted his hand and an explosion sent dirt flying. A stream of light came through, landing on Alex's face. The morning light made him realize how long they were down there as they all ran into the fresh morning air.

Alex darted around when a rumbling sounded, the ground shaking. Ahriman stood in swirling black smoke, eyes burning like amber as his hands reached toward the tunnel. The ground seemed to cave in on itself.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked, having a feeling that he already knew the answer.

"I hid this place because of its power. The sacrifices coming from the Tenebra as they protected this place from the Romans allowed that temple to be a nexus of magical power. I thought, since I was the only one who knew about it, it would come in handy one day. Then Blake came along and I thought I would reveal it to him when the time has come."

With one last push, the entire temple was buried, leaving only a hole with dirt and dead trees. "But now that it is used by others, it is best to destroy it. I don't want it to be used against Blake."

"Or you," Hadrien pointed out, echoing Alex's thoughts.

Ahriman snorted. "This place has no power over me, mortal. Only over other mortals."

Alex just let out a sigh, he was both relieved to see that place gone and suspicious since studying it could have given a clue to what his father was doing there and who he has gotten help from, but Alex was too tired to think. He just made a mental note of it and turned to inspect Erin. The little squirrel was sound asleep, her mouth chewing on something that apparently was tasty since she let out a smile.

"She seems fine," Alex concluded. "Maybe she can tell us something when she wakes up."

"I doubt it," Hadrien muttered. "She probably slept through the ordeal."

"For bloody certain, but a guy has to dream, doesn't he?" Alex turned to Ahriman who was still watching the caved in the temple. "Are you feeling regrets?"

"No, just a lingering feeling that I have missed something. The temple has been hidden since I pitted the Romans against the cult. Was there someone else there? Someone else who would gain from the conflict?"

"You don't seem to have any idea of who that might be."

"A hundred, but only a few of them could successfully hide from me." Ahriman finally shrugged, like he hunted away from the lingering thoughts and turned to Alex and Hadrien. "I would suggest that you don't tell anyone about this."

"That is stupid. People should know," Hadrien said.

"Yes, let's tell everyone about the nexus of dark magic that can be used to amplify powers. What could possibly go wrong," Ahriman said with an eye roll. "If you have to tell anyone, at least avoid to mention this place. We don't need more enemies than before. If the witches get a hold of this place then we will get a problem."

"We won't tell anyone, at least not now. It would just cause a panic, and the victims might be hunted down. They don't deserve that, " Alex said, sending Hadrien a warning not to argue," but, I want you to keep an eye out. If anyone even comes close to this place we need to tell people. We also need to find out what my father was doing with the people and why."

"We?" Ahriman and Hadrien said in unison.

"Well, if we are keeping this secret then all of us has a responsibility to find out the truth about the kidnappings. Don't we?" Alex smirked at the two, both let out a groan, clearly not caring about continuing the investigation, but Alex cared not. His eyes watched what was once a temple, and his heart was set. He needed to stop his father. Permanently, if that was what it took.

"Let's go," Alex muttered to Hadrien.

"How are we going to explain this to Blake."

"It isn't the first time you and I have snuck out to do unsavory things. Though, most of the time we just snog in a classroom or something."

"Yeah, I prefer that over this by the way."

"So, do I," replied Alex and promised himself that on their next trip. That was what they were going to do. Who cares about saving the school when you can just be hormonal teenagers instead?

(This is the end of book 2, currently planning the 3 book but will finish up other projects first. On monday, I will start to release an new book, my first attempt on a Xuanhuan book called, The Snow Emperor and the Little Plum. Do pick it up and give me feedback for future notes. I am also releasing another sidestory of Primalcraft, called Misdeeds of Youth, on my Patreon site for those interested. Thank you for reading!)

Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone days (book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon