Chapter 3

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(The picture is of Jaxon's mother, Mya Price. Here comes chapter 3, enjoy!)

Loud shouts sounded inside the gym as Kai gave the younger players instructions. The wind rushed through Jaxon's hair as he ran across the floor. The smell of sweat hit his nose as two visages appeared in front of him. Two players came towards him with determined looks on their faces. An effort worth commending but Jaxon could smell the fear on them.

With a ferocious roar, he tackled them to the ground. They groaned as he helped them up.

"Better luck next time, newbies."

Jaxon brushed himself off and turned when he felt a slap on the shoulder.

"Go easy on the lads, they might break a bone," Aeron said and nodded at the two boys limping away.

"Remember last year's game against the girls of Elan Academy?"


"Yeah, if we don't want a repeat of last year's game then we will need to push some weights around here."

They both watched as the ball was sent flying by a kick from Haley and saw Hadrien run to catch it in the air.

"Nice, Hadrien. A few more jumps and you might grow a few inches," Aeron shouted and turned to face Jaxon. "Not that it will he-"

Aeron groaned and stared at the ball which had hit the back of his head. Jaxon held back a snort as he saw Haley high five Hadrien in the background.

"No bloody respect for the captain," Aeron grumbled as he scratched his aching head.

"Mon ma pauvre, need your girlfriend to kiss your pain away," Hadrien teased as he and Haley walked closer. He nodded to a girl standing by the stands, sighing while watching them.

"Wait, that creepy girl who has been stalking us is your girlfriend?" Jaxon exclaimed and noticed that the girl squealed and hid behind a banner when they looked over at her.

"Yeah, apparently," Aeron muttered.

"When did that happen?"

"Last semester, you know, during that party were you apparently used dark magic. You should have invited me. It would have been better than what I experienced!"

"He got himself ridiculously drunk from Spirit Nectar and woke up the next day in bed with a squirrel shifter who claimed that they became a couple last night," Hadrien said and nodded towards Aeron who waved and the little redhead who squealed again and hid.


"Shut your trap, but yeah. That pretty much sums up my night. The next week I met her parents and since then I had to spend the rest of my time with her every day," muttered Aeron.

"Then why did you not break it off with her?" Jaxon asked.

"It was her first time and I didn't want to seem like an ass."

"You are an ass."

"Thank you, that helped."

"It wasn't supposed to be of help, you twat."

Haley grinned at them." Don't worry, he seems to be adjusting well. Even sings in the shower and read those ridiculous articles on how to be a better boyfriend in those girly magazines."

They all turned towards Aeron who looked awkwardly back at them. "I want to make her happy, okay."

Suddenly a ball swished past Jaxon's face, only missing it with an inch. Jaxon turned to a grinning face he sincerely had hoped to never see again.

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