Chapter 1

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(Here comes my christmas gift! The first chapter of the second book. The picture is for one of the new characters, Owen Price.)

Blake watched the sky as snow fell onto the driveway to Vale Academy. The school had once again started to buzz with life as the students returned from their holiday. The large brick mansion in a gothic style greeted them and many of the students moved to the wings which held the dormitory. Hadrien, who had arrived earlier than the other students after visiting France with his brother, stood beside him. Unlike Blake who shuddered in the cold air, Hadrien seemed unfazed. The result of him being a wolf shapeshifter no doubt.

Blake blew hot air on his cold hands while his emerald eyes watched the road for his roommate's return. It didn't take long before Alex exited a black cab with a bright smile. Blake came running only to slip and crash into Alex who came tumbling down into the snow with him. Both of them roared in laughter as they threw snow at each other.

"Bloody hell, you left my makeup in shambles!" Alex said and pointed at his face. His goth makeup was flawless and only enhanced his Chinese heritage. But what bothered Blake wasn't his friend's makeup, he was used to it, it was his hair. His once raven hair, cut in a very j-rock fashion, was now white as snow.

"What happened to your hair?"

"My mother coloured it after hearing what happened to your hair. Said something about me being supportive," said Alex with a shrug.

Blake blushed and ruffled his own white hair, the evidence from his dabble in Dark Arts last year, with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Personally, I think it suits me!" Alex joked.

"Oui, now you look even more like a ghost," Hadrien said with a smirk and Alex threw snow at him.

"I don't want to hear that from your pale ass!"

Blake rolled his eyes and they brushed off the snow before going to Blake and Alex's room to help him pack up. Even the room was a tad cold as this was an old building and heating wasn't really a thing back in the day. Even after they have installed the heating system, the old stone walls made sure that the building was cold. It was pleasant during the warm summer but rather inconvenient during the winter.

"So has anything happened while I was away?" Alex asked while unpacking.

"I got a new sweater from my brother," Hadrien replied with a smirk.

Alex rolled his eyes," Let me rephrase that, has anything interesting happen?"

"Blake's painting was ripped to pieces."

Alex grew rigid and turned his eyes towards Blake. "What? Why? Who did it?"

"The culprit was never caught. Probably someone playing a prank,"said Blake casually.

"Hardly sounds like a prank to me," Alex muttered but let it go.

"Oh, Blake made out with Jaxon during the Christmas party," Hadrien pointed at Blake who blushed guiltily as a response.

Alex grinned at Blake which only made him turn to an even darker red. "Shagged the wolf, did ya?"

"No, only kissed him and how do you know that, Hadrien?"

"Everyone knows, the entire family stood by the window and peeked at you two. And wolves like to gossip. Except for Elliott, I have no idea where he was during the Christmas party," Hadrien replied with a shrug. Blake groaned in dismay. That explains why Jaxon's mother wanted to spend time with him and why his father wanted him to meet all the wolves in the pack. They already think that they are dating.

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