Chapter 8

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Blake groaned and tried to move his aching fingers. Damnit, the old lady had not been gentle. Was it even possible for the strains of a soul to be carried over to the body? Apparently.

"Weaving sucks!" Blake muttered and all stared at him like he was insane.

"That aside, did you see it?" Ahriman asked. Blake pouted and turned over.

"So you did not see it?"

"I saw it alright! I just did not understand what I was looking at," Blake muttered and Ahriman cocked an eyebrow before nodding.

"Now that I think about it, why would a mortal be able to understand the threads of the universe without practice..."

"Well, I did not come back empty-handed," Blake said and raised his hand. All stared at it but it was empty.

"Mon lapin, that is literally empty-handed," Hadrien pointed out and Blake blushed furiously.

"It was a metaphor. I have learned Fateweaving!"

Ahriman's eyebrows shot up as he listened to Blake."The old hag actually taught you Fateweaving?"


"What the hell is Fateweaving?" Jaxon grumbled sourly.

"I can use the threads of fate to weave small changes to fate. It is a gamble if it will work but it might be better than nothing in a tough spot," Blake nodded and Ahriman sighed before looking at the two boys with a sharp gaze which screamed of murder.

"And if you tell anyone about this I will skin you alive."

Hadrien just shrugged, clearly having no problem with it. Jaxon, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes. "Why?"

"Because you would have pissed me off."

"That's not what I asked, why can't we tell anyone?"

"Because I say so..." Ahriman sighed as Jaxon refused to relent. "Because it is very rare and advanced magic only a few in the world have even heard of. If the witches of the coven find out about it they might try to steal the magic by hurting Blake or in worst case scenario dispose of him to make sure he won't be too powerful."

"There is a reason why I hid my spells behind vulgar pictures of men."

"Wait, you are still doing that with my grimoire?" Blake suddenly asked.

"I never stopped."

Blake groaned and rolled around on the ground like he was in pain.

"Blake?" Jaxon asked gently.

"I showed that damn grimoire to Pyramus the other day! He just mumbled interesting and kept reading it so I assumed you have lifted the damn illusion."

"It seems your Dark Arts teacher has other interests," Ahriman chuckled. "Maybe you will get an A in his subjects. What are they? Drama?Art?"

"Both," Blake muttered while allowing Jaxon to drag him up into his arms. "Have anything happen while I was gone?"

"Jaxon has gotten the task to handle Mark Rowe," Hadrien said without hesitation and ignored Jaxon's angry glare. Apparently, Jaxon did not want him to know about his task.

Blake shuddered at the sound of Rowe's name. He still remembers last year when he tried to break his hand...

Ahriman noticed Blake's pale face and frowned. "A friend of yours?"

"More like an enemy. He likes to target witches for bullying," Jaxon huffed.

"That can hardly be called bullying. He was abusing them. Send several of them to the hospital. Tried to break Blake's hand last year," Hadrien muttered. Ahriman listened with a frown before grimacing when he heard the last part.

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