Chapter 10

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Elliott sighed over the rubble of his former home. He knew that it would be bad but this... It could hardly be called a home anymore. His father ordered his pack members to start salvage anything intact but hardly anything was. Mya and Joanne had been taken in by Joanne's parents who were devastated hearing about their daughter's tango with death.

Elliott could feel his father sneaking peeks at him and he could feel the incoming question. Yeah, he will need to speak about Joanne and his child soon. He had waited as they weren't a hundred percent sure that she was pregnant. It might still have been a false alarm as they had tried for a while, but the visit to the fertility clinic had been a success. Then he just waited because he feared the conversation.

Artificial fertilization wasn't something his father even knew what it was. Owen's uncertain gaze turned to one of stubbornness and Elliott knew that the question was about to be asked but Owen merely stood there with an open mouth and stared at something behind him.


Elliott a shiver run through his spine. He had no idea if it was a pleasant one or one of disgust as he still reacted to his voice even after all these years.

"Ronan," Elliott replied bitterly and turned to stare at the man who had hurt him more than once.

Ronan had come alone. Elliott could not figure out if it was a sign of respect or out of arrogance but he did notice that Owen stopped several of the pack members to jump him. It would not look good if they attacked a rival Alpha when he came here alone. That might have been his plan all along. Had he come with a guard, then it would have resulted in a fight but know his solitude acted as a shield from attacks.

"Come here to gloat?"

"I came here to hear if you are okay," Ronan muttered as his eyes darted over what was left of the house. He grimaced and Elliott could see that a vein pop out on his neck. His rage insinuated that this had not been his plan. At least that was something. "I heard...I heard that a woman who is pregnant with your child was in the fire. Is she..."

"Why do you care?" Elliott said harshly and Ronan snorted.

"I am not a monster."

"That could be argued," Elliott replied but relented with a sigh. One of them acted like a child and it wasn't Ronan. "She is well. My mother and two other witches saved her from the fire."

"And the child?"

Elliott cocked an eyebrow. Why would he care about the child?

"According to my mother, its heartbeat is strong."

"That's good...Good," Ronan did seem relieved. Elliott guessed that killing a pregnant woman, especially a Delta would make his pack members turn on him so it made sense that he was relieved. But that was not the picture he had of Ronan. Ronan was cruel and most of all ruthless. He did not seem like a man who would care. But then again, Elliott only knew him when they were teenagers. The man in front of him was more or less unknown.

"Though I do not think it matters by this point, I am sorry for your loss and I never intended for your home to be devastated," Ronan said and Elliott frowned. He could not be that naïve.

"You call for war but don't expect any losses. Are you sure that you know what you are doing?" Elliott asked.

Ronan's eyes fell upon the burned mansion. "You are right. Sometimes sacrifices are necessary to make a point."

"That point being?"

"That the Price family cannot handle what's to come. They have grown weak. Either you man up, or let someone stronger take over."

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