Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 8

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"Archon of corruption and taint," Hadrien repeated looking at the picture.

"Yes, he created Dark Magic by tainting magic. Dark witches and Druids who have used Dark Magic are connected to him. Each time they use dark magic they give him power," Alex said quietly.

Ahriman snorted," A simplifaction but suited for mortals."

"Then why don't you tell us the entire story, oh might whatever you are supposed to be?" Alex said between clenched teeth.

"Why should I tell you, what you ought to not know?" Ahriman said, not caring for an explanation. He just watched the relief, hiding his true emotions.

"Will you tell Blake?" Hadrien asked, his eyes watching Ahriman for any sign of his motivation. Ahriman didn't even flinch but a gentle smile crossed his face.

"If he asks me, besides I fear that he will find out one way or another. Blake is not like you mortals, he is far above you. One day, he will have to leave you behind and go where you cannot follow."

Alex didn't like the sound of that. "You speak like he has no choice."

Ahriman's eyes darted to Alex and for the first time, something akin to anger crossed his face. "He will have a choice. I will assure you that he has one."

Ahriman inhaled, the anger faded from his face. The shadows flickered as they feared him but soon grew still as if they dreaded to invoke his anger again. Ahriman turned to the girl walking over. His eyes watched the circled and touched the carvings. "The Thouwai is new. It was not here the last time I visited."

"And when was that?" Alex asked, with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"When the Tenebra was slaughtered in this chamber. I tricked them to hide here and then went to tell the Romans about where to find it. Changing shapes can be very useful," Ahriman said lightly like he was speaking about the weather instead of manslaughter.

"Why?" asked Alex, not sure he wanted to know.

"I'm the personification of strife and chaos. I create revolutions and struggles. Pitting two people who are trying to take over the lands is very useful. The Romans won. Of course, I then helped the locals to rebel against the Romans so-" Ahriman shrugged. "My favor was very short-lived."

"If you do the same with Blake, I will kill you," Hadrien said casually, but his eyes promised hell.

"Blake sure has a bunch of lapdogs by his heel, "Ahriman snapped his fingers and Hadrien fell to the floor with a surprised expression on his face. "Down, boy!"

Hadrien let out a deep growl, his eyes flashing but Ahriman was far from intimidated and seemed merely amused by the display. "Adorable little pup. For your information, I would never betray, Blake."

"You have betrayed people in the past," Alex reminded him.

"True, but I have changed."

"You haven't changed. You cannot change," Alex reminded him and Ahriman replied by tilting his head.

"Interesting. How do you know so much about me, chaton?" his voice was like silken but his eyes glowed dangerously. Clearly, Alex had stepped on a landmine.

"Don't call me that. Only he-" Alex nodded to Hadrien who had gotten up, "is allowed to call me that."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Then we are even," Alex said, smirking at Ahriman whose eyes narrowed before he returned the smirk.

"I like you. I knew that Blake didn't just choose fools as his friends."

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