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I was tapping his cheeks and shaking his shoulders yet he's just unconscious, the rain is still heavy as it was, thunder and lightning is getting dangerous every minute. There's so much happening today and I can't take it. 

I dragged him full force at the back seat of my car, after I positioned him
I sat at the drivers seat and started the engine. I can't bring him to my apartment cause the police may come back soon I can't even think of a place where we will pass the night. Luckily while I was scrolling through my contacts, not breaking some drivers rule. I saw my cousin's Hani number, and I remembered that she owns a hotel, and I immediately called her.

After some rings she answered it, but it was a man's voice

"Hello?" he said

"Oh, for Gods sake, who are you?" I said in frustration still keeping my eyes in the rode

"Ah, I am Min Seok-ssi" he said then I heard someone at the back of the line saying

"Why do you have my phone?"

"Hello? Kim Jennie?" I sighed as I heard her voice

"Unnie, I want to have the penthouse of your hotel, is it available?" I ask

"It is, why?"

"Explanation later, unnie, I need the backdoor of your hotel, and please turn off all of you cctv" I said

"Okay, you better explain what's happening later, Jennie okay?"

"Okay,  I'm on my way there" I said

"Drive safely" she said and ended the call

After a hectic hour we reached the hotel, glad my car is still half gas after this trips, I called Hani to see if it's all clear

"Unnie, I'm at the employees parking lot near the back door, is it all clear now? Like the CCTV are now turned off?" I ask making sure

"It is now, the back door aren't close, just take the elevator there and pushed the 21st button, you'll be at your room" she said and I thanked her

I pulled Kai's arm out of my car and when he's on his feet I put his arm around my shoulders and start dragging this hella thing inside the hotel, we entered the elevator and I punched the 21st button. After a few seconds it opens leading us to the penthouse.

I saw Hani with a guy heating up some water and making some foods.

"Hey" I said getting their attention

"Jennie! What the fück?! You killed a guy?" she said shouting

"No! uhm, he fainted near the road, because of rain, so I picked him up" I said

"Is this Kai? Your ex?" she ask, then I gave her a sharp nod

"Put him first at the bed, there some towels at the bathroom I have a spare clothes for you but for him, I don't think so" she said walking to the bedroom, and throwing him at the bed.

I walked to the bathroom to get the towel and I saw a bowl with some hot water in it, I guess Hani put this in here.

I dipped the towel in the hot water and squeezed it, I wiped his face, arms, chest and his feet. I attempted to open the botton of his polo when Hani entered the room.

"Let him dry, don't do that or you'll be tempted I didn't bought condoms" she said

"But his soaking wet"

"Let him, I putted some medicines in the counter if you two will get cold tomorrow" she said sitting on a chair beside me

"Now tell me, what is happening?" she asks

I told her everything that happened, I even told her that he changed and stuff like that.

"So what are you planning to do?" she asks

"I don't know"

"Remember this, you know where will it end, and it's him being in prison. It's either you gave him in, he will gave himself, or he'll be caught by some police, remember Jennie,  you're not the only police that's in charge with this guy, there's a lot. If you want to protect him, then okay, but the worst part is, what if you're protection is not enough? Then all of a sudden you'll just see him in the prison cell? I want you to do what's best for him in this situation while it's still early, I'm telling you this because I care for you and I don't want you in trouble not because I'm brainwashing you, no Jennie, don't get me wrong, you're my little sister, so please do what's best while it's early" she said smiling then got up.

I looked at him who is sleeping peacefully while thinking if I'm gonna put him behind bars or not.


I heard everything, I was back at myself but I continued to close my eyes, when I felt that the girl got out I start hearing her sob, I want to hug her, but anger filled me in, when she held my hands combed my hair and said

"I'm sorry, I can't, I cant"

She can't what? She can't let her boss down? Is she still going to imprison me? After all of my silence, not ruining every persons life? Does that didn't change her mind? News teams had a day fücking off because of me not showing in there screens, I even had a day off crashing some security camera and some ATM machine. Sucks to trust her, again. Fück.

Minutes later she left me in bed, I don't want to open my eyes, I don't even want to see her, why did I even trust her?

I let the night run by itself and waiting for the sun to arise.

Hours had passed but there still no sun, so I decided to seat on the bed then there I saw Jennie lying on the couch, peacefully sleeping. I went to the kitchen and I saw a medicine on the counter, being a robber, this is something not new to me. I know every place and every hiding spot there is.

I came back at the room, still Jennie is in deep sleep, I walk closer to her and carry her to the bed, caressing her cheeks and combing her hair, still the Jennie I know, but I'm not playing easy.

I left her there and went straight ahead to the elevator, not caring about the CCTV or guards, when I finally arrived at the basement, I immediately found the door that leads to the parking lot.

I don't know this place, might as well get to know it better. Calling Rusts' in a phone booth is so hard, it rings like twenty times before he picked it up

"Who's this?" he asks

"Kai. I need someone to pick me up,  just locate my ring, thanks" I said and hang the call

I waited patiently in the side walk near the hotel, and the car arrived

"Sup?"Sehun said rolling down the cars tinted window

"Glad you came" I said getting in the shot gun seat

"What happened? Thought you resigned?" he ask

"I'm signing in again"

"Seriously? For the third time?" he said and I nodded

"Rust said, we need to plant a bomb near Daegu's park, you're in?"

"I'm always in"

Sorry for this late update, enjoy reading. XOXO

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