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I entered my car and so he does, I want to put him behind bars, but there's an urge feeling that I felt while driving to the headquarters, I turned my steering wheel around, I've made my decision and I can't do it.

"Get off," I said

"Thought you're gonna gave me in?"

"Not now, you might be useful in the future," I said

We walk at the backdoor of my apartment and he stopped

"What? Scared that a CCTV will catch you?"

"No. Scared that they might put you in prison too because you didn't give me in immediately," he said

I rolled my eyes and took the private elevator that only the employees are using

"Put your hood on," I said as we step inside the elevator, surprisingly he did what I said to him

We entered my apartment room and he is just standing at the doorway.

"Here, take a bath, you stink" I gave him a shirt, my boxer that I've never use and a towel

"Still keeping my shirt, officer Jennie huh?" He said with a smirk while I, on the other hand, was shock

"God! Just take a bath already!" I said

"What's that?" He said standing  beside me while I'm sitting in a single sofa

"Lee family being murder," I said still not taking off my eyes in my laptop

"Oh, you mean Robert Stanley?" He said that made me look up to him

"Do you know that guy?" I ask

"Well," he said and shrugged

"Tell me where he is," I said standing up and grabbing the collar of his shirt

"Chill, I don't know where he is now," I said

"Fück," I said and let him go

"Heard you arrested the drug lord named Cristof?" He asks sitting in front of me

I nodded

"Sad, I can't be high anymore," he said and I looked at him intensively

"What? Still caring Officer Kim?" He asks

Do you think you're still here if I'm not you douche!

I rather not answer, so I got up and went straight to the bathroom, minutes later I saw him just sitting on the couch he was there before. I'm wearing my favorite pajama and a spaghetti strap top

"You sleep on the floor whether you like it or not," I said

"You don't like people on your floor Jennie," he said, and I won't let him win

"Well, I do now"


Why isn't she giving me in?

Does she care?

Same thoughts are running in my mind multiple times, I didn't even know why I'm following her, I feel like a dog that needs more train.

As we got to her apartment, I did not know what to do or what to say, I'll just let the awkwardness flow I guess.

"So, Mr. Kim Jo--"

"Kai" I cut her

"It's like we haven't been together if you'll call me that" I continued

She laughed. Fake laugh.

"Don't drag about the past, just be thankful that I didn't--"

"Why?" I said cutting her again

She's now in front of me wearing some pajamas and a spaghetti strap top, so why would I care? For moda fucken' sake?

She didn't answer, she just look at me like she doesn't want to let go of something, poor bïtch.

"So tell me where is this Robert guy?" She asks, changing the topic

"I told you I don't know, is there any convenient store nearby? I'm hungry" I told her

"But, almost all people know who I am, might as well buy something for me?" I continued

"Buy on you're own," she said,

"Okay," I said standing up

I pulled out the money in the pocket of my jeans and slide my slippers

"You sure you'll be wearing boxers going out?" She asked

I smirked at her "I wore boxers while buying your napkin Jennie" I said and got out

I'm not worried that people might see me, didn't even bother to wear a mask or a hoddie, thankfully Jennie's town doesn't know me quite well.

I got two cups of ramyeon and two coke zero's, that's the only one I can afford so, screw her.

I saw her leaning on the headboard of her bed while still on her laptop.

"Thought police caught you already," she said

"The only police that I'll let myself gave in is you Jennie, but you didn't, you just missed the chance," I said and put the stuff that I bought on her table.

I saw a pillow and a blanket on the floor that's already placed, I looked up at her.

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking, yes you'll be sleeping on the floor period," she said

"No" that made her look at me

"I'm thinking if you have some hot water"

She nodded and said that it's in her kitchen on the right island counter. I put some on mine and hers, waited for a while and it's done

"Eat," I said handing her the cup

"No thanks," she said

"Okay," I replied she's playing hard to get huh, then I'll ride.

I'm eating my ramyeon and slurping it so that she'll hear me, minutes had passed my food was about to finish when she sat right in front of me, pulling the cup that I bought and start to dig in.

I smirk, leaning at the chair watching her eat.

"What?"  She said

I just shrugged and start drinking my coke not taking off my eyes on her

"Are you murdering me on your head?" She asks

I didn't answer, I just jumped in her bed to annoy her

"Hey, that's my space!" She yelled

"This was my space too babe," I said putting my arms under my head

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