After stretching her arms a bit, Mafuyu said. "But when it's busy like this, it's really hard to serve the customers while playing our roles."

Maika suddenly stood up. "Y-Yes!" Karin open her eyes a little to hear what Maika said. "I said something terrible to the customers without even thinking!"

"No, you were actually spot on with your character, Sakuranomiya." Akizuki said behind the counter as Karin patted Maika's head.

"I screwed up a lot, too." Miu said. Remembering her mistake.


"Welcome!" Miu greeted the two customers and led them to a table and gave them the menu.

She provided them a glass of water each and walked away.

Not after she let out a disturbing gesture.

"Well, take your time!"


"That dirty gesture just slipped out!" Miu said, hiding her face with her hands.

"No, that's your standard operating procedure."

Maika sat back down and thought a little. 'If it's going to stay this busy, I have to try even harder! If I don't focus, I have a feeling I'll say terrible things.'

A light bolt appear on her head as an idea popped out. "The answer just hit me!"

The others look over to her as she continues. "If I say terrible things because I can't focus, being so busy, then if I saw terrible things normally, when I can't focus because we're so busy, I'll be naturally kind to the customers!"

Karin sweat dropped. "Um, what are you going on about?"

Maika jumped and explained more. "H-huh? I-In other words, if I say awful things during normal times, when I become absent-minded, I'll become nice instead! For example..."

"Welcome. Choose a table where you won't stand out."

"Please write your order down...because you kinda smell."

"Thank you, goodbye!"

Maika thought of some sarcastic ways for her to react to the customers when suddenly she doubted herself. "I can't do it! I can't keep being awful until we hit peak busyness!"

"Like I said, that's the correct answer for you."

Kaho stood beside Maika as she patted her head while Karin walked to Akizuki behind the counter, leaning on it with him.

"Maybe we should hire another staff member." Mafuyu suggest to her co-workers.

"Yeah." Akizuki said before looking at Dino. "Scout another person out."

Dino look up, thinking. "But my radar has been weak lately."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"It seems that I used up my power discovering the raw one...that is Maika!" Dino replied.

"Ah, then the manager is useless." Kaho ignored her manager before looking at the others. "But if we do hire a new girl, what kind of character should she play?"

Karin smiled. "I would suggest a tomboy or maybe an idol."

"I don't care about character, I want a man." Akizuki suddenly said, making Karin flinch and smirk. Both Kaho and Maika look at him in confused.

"I mean I wanna hire someone to help me in the kitchen!"

Miu and Karin both furiously wrote something on their notepad.

"You two don't think of this the wrong way! Give me a break." He said as he rubbed Karin's head as she stop writing. "I'm a yuri fan. Don't forget that!"

"Aww... I thought you're only interested in me too!" Karin teased as Akizuki look at her while blushing.

"T-That is not the point in this conversation!" Akizuki then crossed his arms. "I'm shorthanded in the kitchen, and I can't let Karin help me there all the time. She has her part of her work."

Mafuyu sighed. "So that's what it's about."

"Well, if you're not talking about hiring for the kitchen, then I don't care if you get a male or female for wait staff."

"I'm not hiring any more men!" Dino suddenly exclaimed while pouting. "What if he became my rival? I'm not letting anyone else have Maika!"

"What's with this guy?" Akizuki said then put his hand on his chest, didn't realize Miu was writing something as she slip off while dragging Karin."Think more about work efficiency than some love affair! I'm swamped in the kitchen!"

"You talk like you run the kitchen by yourself."

"In actual fact, I do everything there myself!"

"I'm in the kitchen, too!"

"You go in the kitchen to sleep!"

And the fight goes on as Maika shake to their fight while Kaho frown to their behavior.

"Okay, okay, don't lose your temper, Akizuki." Akizuki got madder by Dino's sudden replied. "You just don't know it yet."

"Know what?"

Dino suddenly got his sparkles back while doing a pose. "My...untaped potential!"

Akizuki look blankly at him. "Says the person with potential that will never be tapped."

Suddenly, Miu and Karin walked in. This time, wearing the shirts Akizuki and Dino were wearing. "If you don't want a male..."

Miu started as the others look at her and Karin. Akizuki blushed to see his girlfriend wearing what he was wearing. The girl then continued Miu's sentence. "How about splitting the difference with a girl disguised as a boy?"

Miu and Karin both wear the same outfit. The pink haired had her hair in a low ponytail with her glasses on while Karin had her usual ponytail with her wavy bangs.

The girls look at them amazed except Mafuyu. "Miu and Karin looks so cool!"

"That look actually works for you two."

The girls walk to the two. "It's popular these days."

"Why don't we all try it?!"

"Oh, you mean..." Maika started as they all begin to imagine themselves wearing the outfits Miu and Karin were wearing.

They all smiled to the idea until Maika suggest something as they all had the same idea. "Then the manager and Akizuki can..."

They all look at them as the boys jumped. The situation for them suddenly got turn around as Dino wear Maika's outfit while Akizuki in Karin's.

"Don't get any weird ideas!"

Miu, Karin and Kaho squeal to the imagination.

"Go change!"

"I'm not putting that on!"

"You're not putting it on?"

"Why are you suddenly on board?"

"Koyo! Here's yours!"

"Why do you have this in my size?!"


Dino had put up a sign that tells the people that they need extra worker. A person got their attention as they read it.

"Part-time help wanted... Looking for someone who can serve customers while in character."

The person smiles. "I might be able to capitalize on my charms at a place like this."

Welcome! || Akizuki KoyoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon