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Before The deaths-

Kuroko Thought/POV

After dinner I ran back to father study by myself before bug brother got there. I wanted to try and find out more about The Spider Of Death by myself.


I look over at the walls and nodded my head. "Yes a plan! But I haven't fully thought it out. What can you tell me?"


Spider Of Death

Money debt

"I see, well how long?"

Pently of time

"So I have time to think of s full plan?"


"Very well, let's get to reading shall we?" I ask but didn't hear anything else.

Only I can hear them and fully see what they look like.

I knew how to read but I like when other read to my. Mostly my big brother who will do anything for me.

I was almost down reading when I heard someone else walk in.

"Did you want me to read more to you?"

I look up from my book with a smile. "I wanted to read for myself just this time."

"Good thing I finished my homework after dinner instead of coming in here."

"That's very rude big brother. Don't you want to spend time with me?" I ask as he went to fake cry.

"We are spending time together but it's time to get you ready for bed."

I close the book shut before getting up. I knew the maids would clean up this office for us.

"Get my bath ready!" I smiled as I walked out of the room. But once I left the room my smile drop. I hated that I'm treated like a normal child.

This won't do at all.

After a while-

Once my bath was ready. I made my way towords my bathroom. I walked in and lock the door before stripping off my cloths. Once cloths off I walked over to the tub to sit in it. I had a towel over my head while my mouth was just above the water.

I stared at the other side of the water with a blank look on my face. "Kitsunes own money to the Spider Of Death. Which means Kise family riches is coming from the mafia." I soon show my real smile.

"I have time to play with Kise and crush him."


"You want me to join?"

Become stronger


I soon realize what they meant as I started to form a plan in my head.

Not only will I get stronger.

I'll destory Kise!

Chihiro Thoughts/POV

I sat in the middle of my bed writing on the second page of my dairy.

Second page-
Title: Testuya is up to something.

By: Chihiro Mayuzumi

Today I found nothing on Testuya. Seems like my parents might be smart enough to hide thing from "their own kids".

I can't even find a file on me. I guess they don't want us to both know what we are. I kinda know what I am. But as for my little brother.

I have to find out.

Everyday they try making him act like a normal child. But everyone in the house knows that he's not a normal child. No child can smile like that all the time and be happy while upset.

It's all fake and I hate it!

It's bad enough he has me wrap around his little fingers. Everytime he smiles at me, I want curel up and hide from him. But I couldn't never get away from him.

After all, he'll have them come after me.

I always fell like I'm being watch and I hate it so much! But today when I came home I over heard what happen. He had hurt another child which is making them go away on on some trip now.

They only go on trip when mother can't handle Testuya anymore. She Seems to really hate him but she does seem to show some love towords me. But never towords him.

Father seem to love us both but seem to spoil Testuya more. Then again father knows we both play in his office. I'm surpise that he hasn't lock it up by now.

While trying look for stuff Testuya wanted to know about The Spider Of Death. Something told me not to read it to him but I did. When one of the maids came in to tell us it's dinner time. Something told me that he'll come back alone.

I was right, he didn't eat much but ran off after dinner. I finished my meal before doing homework. When I walked back into father study I felt uneasy.

Testuya had a strange look in his eyes and I swear I felt the whole room being surrounded. So I lie about him getting ready for bed early.

But I know he takes forever in his nightbath. Like what does he do in there. I kinda want to set up camera in there but I didn't want to be a pervert to my own little brother.

I just hope I can figure out his plans before it's to late.


Next day
Kuroko Thought/POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes. Looks like one of the maids had already open up my windows. I sat up to scream knowing no one will come.

I was mad that I can't see Kise for a week. It wasn't fair, I wanted to play with my new friend.

"What should I wear today?" I ask as I watch cloths appear infront of me on my blankets. "Good choice!" I pull the blankets off while grabbing my outfit for the day.

I got off my bed and went to change into my outfit smiling. I can always turture our workers here.

This should be fun.

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