Chihiro Mayuzumi

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Before their deaths-

Tetsuya POV/Thought POV

I kept playing with toys till I saw our mansion. I drop my toys onto the seat while I quickly undid my buckle to jump out of the car. I didn't care if that women was still driving.

I wanted to see my big brother!

But before I could jump my so call mother slam her danm foot onto the breaks.

"Danm it! Don't you dare try that again!"

Yeah I may had done it once or twice...Now that I really think about it. Maybe over ten times.

I ingored her while I quickly got out of the car running towards the front door. The bodyguards, maids, and butlers just glance at me.

It's normal to them to see me act this way.

I slam open the front doors. "BROTHER!" When I heard nothing I started to run around the place searching for him. While I kept yelling brother over and over again.

"Kuroko, must you be so loud."

I turn around to see Chihiro Mayuzumi, my older brother.

"Brother!" I run over to give him a big hug. "I miss you!"

"Did you now?"


"Well why don't we go to watch a movie together?"


Chihiro Mayuzumi Pov/Thought POV

After watching a few scary movies that my little brother had picked out. I end up taking Kuroko to his room to sleep before going to my own room.

After I put him to bed, I quickly went to my room and lock the door. Went over to my desk and clicked a button under my pencil case.

Which make a clicking sound in my book shelf that I went over to. Moved a book which now shows a picture frame that I had to pull down. Once pull down a dairy appear.

I grabbed the book then sat on my bed. Now to write into my dairy for the first time ever.

I open up the the first page.

Title: Mayuzumi Family Secrets

By: Chihiro Mayuzumi

Turn to the second page to start writing my thoughts out.

My family is well known in both good and bad. Long ago the Mayuzumi family was a hunter family but they work with demons. Fithy years ago they were on the evil side working with them till the war happen. Now they're on the side of good. But some rumors says not all have stay away from evil.

My family went back to being evil in a different way. By making my brother Testuya and I into their experiments. Back then the rules were never use kids even when the war had happen. They broke that rule.

You must think what kinda evil? Well to who ever reading this must know. Evil is what they use as in working with dangerous demons. Helping them kill the innocents for fun. Wanting people to suffer for no reason and what not. I rather not get into it.

But even then there was rukes that even the Mayuzumi family must follow. There's only three rules that must never be broken. As I had already said they broke rule number three which was never use kids.

Never use the kids to fight in battle or harm then in anyway. Well they already harm us in more ways then one.

You see I'm not really human. My family is a hunter family so we have hunter blood. Which gives us the ability that help us into hunting down creatures that broke laws. Or we find them and help them back onto the right paths along with the humans.

But the truth is...

I'm not fully a hunter because of what my parents had done. When a child from a hunter family is born. They must be tested right away. What they found was angel DNA in my bloodstream. The high ups should had saw it as a warning but didn't.

Until Testuya Mayuzumi was born. That's when the higher ups knew something wasn't right. You see both our parents were full hunters.

Testuya DNA show no signs of any hunter blood in him. It had something else that was darker then anything heard of. Then ran a test to make sure that was his real parents.

They DNA didn't much and found out mother couldn't habe anymore kids. No on known how they got the child or where he came from. The question is why do they have him? The Akashi family who were very well known in the hunter world. Allow my family to keep my brother. But I knew that the Akashi family was keeping an eye out on the family.

That was three years ago and now that he's here. I fear for the lives of many.

I close the book as I look up at the ceiling. I hope one day whoever finds my book will stop my family from destroy this world.

And from making my younger brother kill us all...

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