Four days out of the week.

295 19 5

Before The deaths-

Kuroko Thought/POV

I walked out of the basemeant soak in blood. I smiled as I had came up with a plan. I have a week to come up with a plan before seeing Kise again.

I need to get the Spider Of Death to kill his parents by the end of the week. I also have to be there. I already ask the main bulter to ask father for premission to spend the night. Once the week up I can see Kise and spend the night. Then watch him suffer!

It'll be so much fun!

I saw a figure down the hall the hid. I knew it was my dear older brother. Soon I won't see him anymore.

Oh well!

I'll get to see my new older brother soon. Then I can play all kinda of new games with him. Oh how fun it'll be!

I wish I could had more fun with Kise. But I want to get stronger even if it meant rushing things. I do of plenty of time. But I must become stronger.

Stronger is better

Stronger then crush Kise more.

Break him!

I let out a giggle as I agree with that idea very much. I walked down the hallway towords the stairs till I saw her.

"Hurry up and bathe. You're getting blood everywhere you danm child."

"Yes mother!" I giggled when I heard her hiss.

"Danm child!"

I watch her walked away.


"Not yet, but one day yes."

I made my way to the nearest bathroom and saw a maid.

"Bath, ready, now!" I order as I slam open the doors stripping off my own cloths. I glance at the maid who was rushing to get my bath down.

Once the bath was ready. I went over and just sat in the middle of the tub.

"Now what can I do to rush things? Any ideas?" I asl once the maid left the bathroom.

Fake letter

"Fake letter?" I close my eyes with a hummed. "Oh!" I open my eyes and look over at it. "Write a fake letter pretending to my Kise dad? Saying?"

I won't pay

"I have to make it more convising then that."

No proof?

"We have a week to figure it out."

Week and three days.

"Why an extra three days?"

Play games

"Yes plays three whole days full of games with Kise."

Then death

"Yes lots and lots of death."

Keep Kise live?

"Duh to play with him in the future. Only his parents will die. Not him. Don't you want to feed off his pain and suffering?"


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