Bye Bye Kise!

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I'm back!^^ (Warning! Death and some blood plus injured.)

The Night of the deaths-

Kuroko Thought/POV

After my dear big brother was past out on the floor. I smile knowing it's to late for him to stop me now. He even use his powers wrong like a dummy.

What a stupid big brother you are.

He doesn't know his powers.

Doesn't know it's light.

Or the type of light it is.

Was is big brother so stupid?

Oh well! Time to go!

I soon took off to my room to find my pack back. Once I found it, I put it on.

"I'm ready!" I yelled knowing the maid who's taking me could hear me.

"Let's go young master," Maid smile as she walk ahead. I soon follow.

In the car, I couldn't help but kick my legs and look out the window smiling. This is going be super fun tonight! Once the car stop, I open the door and ran out.

I ran all the way to the door then knock on it. I had glance back to see the car drive away. I turn back to to see Kise mother answer the door.

We talk for a while before she said I could go upstairs to play with Kise. I slammed open the door, which cause him to scream and fall off his bed. Along with some book that he was reading.

I didn't know that he could read.

"Hi!" I yell as I smiled.

He look confuse but slowing gotten up while picking up his book. "Hi?" He questioned as he set the book onto his bed.

"What you reading?"

"A story about-"

"Yeah don't care!" I took off my pack back then toss it near his bed. "Let's watch a movie!" I went over to his little shelf with movies.

"Who are you?"

I turn to look at him with an confusion look. "What-"

"You never ever ask like this. You're scary! Not nice and smiling!"

"Can't I be nice to you for once?"

"No, it's not you."

I huff before looking back at the movies and picking some random happy kids one. "Don't question things. Let's just watch a movie."


I guess he doesn't trust me. Good it's best not to anyways.

Hours went by and everyone is asleep but me. I got up from the mattress they let me use when I'm over. I use the shadows to make the room sound proof.

Then I made my way towards Kise. I lean down smiling before grabbing him by his hair and dragging him towards the window.

He woke up screaming, but ignore it till he started hitting and kicking.

"Let go of me!"

"Please stop!"

"I knew you were up to no good!"

(New) Innocent Eyes That Held No LightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz