Starting To Show His Real Side

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Kise Thought POV/POV

Tetsuya clap his hands together. I felt scared when I noticed the aura around him changed.

"I got a couple ideas of some games that we did play."

"Like what games?"

"There Story Dear Story, Fox says free me, or The Death Game. Those are the top three of the list of game I have in mind."

"I don't like that sound of the games..."

"Story Dear Story?"

"I like stoires!" I went over to sit on my bed while I pat for him to sit next to me.

When he sat by me I saw that his face expression had change.


"Mother? father?"

A little boy ran around the house searching for his parents.

"Is anyone home?"

But no one was home but the little boy.

"So what happened?!" I couldn't help but ask.

Tetsuya look at me with a glare.

"Shut up and let me tell you the story."


"Now where was I? Oh! But no-"

But no one was home but the little boy.  Who kept trying to find his parents. As time went by the power randomly went off on him.

He froze in fear as he saw nothing but darkness. He didn't know what to do beside just stood there.

He didn't know how long he had stood there but it felt like forever. His legs were starting to hurt but yet he didn't dear move.

That was until


"Until what?!" I wanted to know already.



"I'm done telling the story!"

"What, why?!"

"Maybe one day I'll finished it!"

I started to pout while I  look away from Tetsuya who was smiling. Which I didn't noicted.

"Hey Kise-Kun,"


"We'll be friends forever right?"

I felt a smile to onto my face as I went to hug him. Which he just let me.


"You'll never abandon me?"

"No! Why would I?!"

"Because you're a coward."

"No I'm not! Kitsune aren't cowards!"

I froze at what I had just told him.

"They could be."

"How would you know?"

Does he know?

"I don't,"

"Then we aren't!"

"But if you do ever abandon me. I'll kill you."


Tetsuya covered my mouth with his hand.

"Never ever betrayed me."

"Never ever Abandon me."

"Never ever Lie to me."

"Never ever hurt me."

With that Tetsuya stood up and walked away laughing.

I started to shake till the point I black out.

Tetsuya POV/Thought POV

I stopped laughing once I exit Kise room. I went down stairs to where my so call mother was.

"Mother, can we go home now?"

"Aren't you playing with-"

"He went to take a nap. I'll be in the car."

With that said I went to leave the Foxes house and into the car. I knew what they were while they have no idea who we really are. My family is have many dark secrets.

And I happen to be the most kept secret in the family.

I sat on the back where I had left my toys at. I had a broken doll that had no head. While my stuff bear was just a head.

"What did you do brat?!"

I look up to see mother sitting in the driver seat. She look upset while putting on her seatbelt.

"Answer me!"

But I didn't which made her angry.

"I can't believe you right now. Hurting another child! I'm trying my hardest to raise you! But no! Kuroko does what Kuroko wants to do."

"Yes I do!"

"You didn't tell him that-"

"That I'm not who I said I was? No, he doesn't know me by my true name. Only by the one you gave me."

"Good now shut up, I don't want to hear you right now."

"Whatever you say mother."

"That's means no talking! Starting now!"

Can't wait to go home and see big brother.

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