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[8:50 am, 3rd August]

Louis abruptly jolts awake to a crashing sound erupting from downstairs and ringing through the entire apartment. He sits up on his bed with wide eyes as he hears some more noises until he figures that there's someone in the kitchen. Did someone break in? He panics. In the broad daylight? He wonders.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he carefully gets out of bed and tip-toes out of the bedroom. He silently walks down the hallway and tries his best not to make a sound as he creeps down the stairs. He's pretty sure he locked all the doors and windows last night, so how the hell did someone manage to get in? He gulps, his heart frozen in his chest as he hears the noises getting louder.

He tiptoes towards the kitchen and sneakily peeks inside from the doorway. Freezing as his eyes go wide and his blood starts running cold upon seeing what's going on inside.

The first thing he notices is Emma's lilac dress, but it's not his girlfriend's petite body covered by the soft fabric. There's this person- certainly, a stranger, standing in the middle of the kitchen- HIS kitchen, with their bare back facing Louis since the dress is backless. The person is way taller than Emma, the reason why the dress that fell at the girl's mid-thigh, ends right below the curve of this person's butt.

Louis bites his lip as he takes in the milky white and flawless skin of their back and thighs, but then he shakes his head rapidly. What on earth is he thinking? He has a girlfriend and even if he didn't, this person is a complete stranger. They could be a stalker- a fan or something, a psychopath, a killer, or a runaway case. There could be a police team outside, looking for this person who's probably trying to hide from them in Louis' house. If Louis doesn't hurry up and the police discover this person's location by themself, Louis might get arrested for trying to hide a criminal in his house or something.

This person with the most gorgeous back and an absolutely appealing pair of thighs could be fucking dangerous!

Regardless of that idea, he ends up biting his lip again when he sees the soft, brown curls drooping loosely on the person's shoulders. They aren't much longer, but long enough for Louis to play with.

Louis' eyes widen when he registers where his thoughts are wandering. He takes a deep breath, building some courage before standing up straight and stepping into the kitchen.

"What do you think you're doing?" He questions while crossing his arms over his chest and watching with narrowed eyes as the person turns around, precisely taking Louis' breath away, and he's not even trying to be dramatic or cheesy. He gasps as he stares back with wide eyes into the distinct hue of green that he's recently fallen in love with. He recognizes the whole face, he just knows he's seen it before, but he can't point his finger from where. Give him a break, he just woke up, he's hungry, grumpy, and bewildered by the situation at hand. His senses are a bit fogged up and his brain is not ready for work yet.

"I was endeavoring to prepare you a morrow meal... yet honestly, it precisely appears to be far beyond mine with how to utilize these.." The sluggishly low and husky voice snaps Louis out of his daze and he realizes that the person in front of him is a boy, a very tall and handsome one at that.

"Prepare me a- what the fuck!?" Louis screeches, making the boy's eyes widen and cower away from him in fear.

"I-I was purely yearning to be kind.." The curly-haired boy says, his cherry-kissed lips forming a pout.

Louis just stands and stares at him, thinking how the hell can someone possibly be kind when they have broken into someone else's house.

"Mate, I don't even know you and you're telling me that you broke in my house, like a fucking thief, to cook me a fucking breakfast?" Louis implores, his own eyes wide in wonder.

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