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[4:30 pm, 1st August]

"... and all Jade ever wants in her life is love. She has all the riches and friends and family and good looks and she's a good dancer, but she doesn't have a man to call him her lover. So that's when this 'Lover Boy' comes into the scene. He had been crushing over Jade for over five years and when Jade invited him to her birthday party, he decided to risk it and make a move. And that's when comes the cheesy stuff. Got it?" Louis asks when he finishes explaining about the new animated story he's working on.

"That's kinda cliché.." Liam comments and Louis nods.

"Yeah, I know, but that's not my plot. My work is to create the characters and animate the story with a little bit of fill-ups." Louis shrugs.

"Well then, what's the name of this... Loverboy?" Niall asks, laying his head on Zayn's lap who instantly starts carding his fingers through his blond locks.

"Well, that's something I haven't figured out yet. I had tried to start writing about him today, only to see that my journal is full and I'll have to get a new one." Louis explains and rubs his forehead before looking at all three of his friends who are sprawled on the floor of Louis' balcony.

"Anyway," He starts and the boys look at him, giving him the attention he wants. "If you guys remember, Lottie's birthday is coming and she'll kill me if I miss it this year too." He announces.

Louis had been living in London since he had moved here for college five years ago when he was eighteen. He has gone back to Doncaster a few times, but he couldn't make it on his younger sister- Lottie's birthday last year.

"Well, she's your sister, you should be there with her on her birthdays." Niall states.

"If I were your sister, I would've already murdered you for not attending last year." Zayn comments and Louis purses his lips in a straight line while clapping sarcastically.

"Oh! I see you do have a tongue, huh? Wow, never knew you could even talk!" Louis says, glaring at the raven-haired boy. "Anyway, the problem is, as you guys know, I have to complete this project on time and if I go home, I'm going to miss a lot of work." He explains with a sigh.

"Bro, family comes first, then your job." Liam presses, seriously.

"Plus, you won the best animator last year for a reason. You know your job damn well, you're good at it and I know you'll do it on time. Don't worry, go see your family." Zayn says and Louis smiles at him.

"Yeah, I guess." Louis gives in before letting out another big exaggerated sigh.

"Now what?" Niall asks, getting annoyed by Louis behaving like a girl on her period.

"What the fuck do I gift her? What do even girls like nowadays?" He groans in frustration.

"Um.. makeup?" Niall asks.

"She already has a cupboard full of it." Louis shoots back.

"Clothes?" Liam contributes.

"A wardrobe full." Louis waves off.

"A phone?" Zayn questions.

"She got a new one just a month ago." Louis sighs.

"I know a person who can answer that and clear our doubts," Niall says, quite proud of himself before he pulls out his phone and starts scanning through his contact list.

"Who are you calling?" Zayn asks, quizzically.

"Miss Charlotte Tomlinson." Niall smiles innocently and presses the 'call' button as he finds the girl's name.

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