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Matilda Hartley smiles as she sees her grandchildren run around in their backyard, chasing each other with booming laughters. The seventy-two years old woman, sat on the rolling chair at the patio lets out a content sigh.

Thirteen years old Markus, Hartley's grandson runs towards the swings and takes a seat on one, his ten years old sister- Dia right behind him, taking a seat on the other.

"I'm-" the girl huffs. "I'm so- so worn out!" She says and the blond boy laughs.

"Loser." He teases, making Dia stick her tongue out to the older boy. "Look at Nana." He says and grins at his Grandmother who smiles right back.

"Nana!" Dia yells while waving her hands to the older woman and waves back. "Man! I don't wanna leave Nana or her house or this place." The girl pouts. So does Markus because yes, they love staying with their Nana.

"But the summer break will end soon." The boy shrugs.

"Can't Nana just write in the book for summer break to never end?" Dia questions innocently and the boy gasps.

"How do you know about the book?" He asks and the girl grins.

"You were talking to Nana about the book and I heard." Dia says proudly, as if she wasn't just admitting to be eavesdropping.

"We weren't really talking.. I was questioning her and she was denying everything." Markus shrugs.

"But Nana never lies." His sister points out with a frown.

"Yeah, but I think it's the book. Probably Nana is supposed to keep the book a secret?" The boy says in a questioning manner, suggesting the idea but having no clue himself.

"So you really think it's a magic book?" Dia asks curiously as she thinks it is but wants to make sure her brother and she were on the same page.

"I don't have any other explanation to that. Like see, mom and dad fought a lot because dad didn't have a job and mom used to drink a lot." Markus starts and his sister nods in agreement.

"Yeah." She says.

"So when we came here and I told her I love being here because then we don't have to hear mom and dad fight, She asked me why they fought and I told her because dad didn't have a job. That night I went to her room and she was writing in that book. I couldn't read her writing clearly but it was something like 'I wish Callum would get a good job' and remember then, in the morning dad had called us and mentioned about getting a new job?" The boy explains.

"Yeah..." Dia nods, taking in her brother's words and thoroughly understanding them. "It makes sense." She says, thoughtfully. "And that day we told her that mom drinks a lot and yesterday when dad called, he said mom wasn't drinking at all nowadays." She reminds after a gasp as she herself just remembered it.

"Exactly! And that day when you mentioned mom's drinking, that night, again, she was writing in that book. But when I went to see what she wrote, she closed the book and put it in the drawer. That's why I asked her if that book was a magic book, but she said no, that it was her diary." Markus says, clearly remembering it all and knowing his Nana lied that night.

"I want a magic book too.." The blond girl pouts and looks at her feet. Markus only shrugs and kicks his feet swing himself.


"Thanks for looking after them, mom." The young woman says with a bright smile and Matilda thinks, oh, how beautiful her daughter looks with a smile that was so healthy.

"Nothing to thank me for, Kal. I love being around these two angels."

"Angels... Sure." Kalie makes a face. "They surely be hiding their horns and tails around you." She laughs before hugging her mother. "Bye, mom. I promise to come around as much as I can." She kisses her cheek and turns around look at her kids arguing about something at the doorway. "And what do the 'angles' say to Nana?" She asks them.

"Thank you for letting us stay, Nana!" Markus cheers happily.

"And thanks for all the yummy food, Nana!" Dia grins making the older women chuckle.

Soon enough Kalie and both her kids leave the house, leaving Matilda standing at the door, looking after their car as it drives away.

She smiles and looks up at the sky, not many stars could be seen, but that one star could still be seen. "I feel like you're calling me tonight..." She whisperers. "You've never been this loud before." She sighs before looking back down and getting inside the house. Shutting the door behind her, she walks up to her bedroom. She sits down at her study table where she smiles at a framed picture of her with her husband. After opening the drawer, she pulls out the green book. It still fascinates her how beautiful the book was, even if it was just a bundle of papers. It was probably the colour that was so pretty, she thinks.

She pulls out a pen from the same drawer and opening the book to a fresh page, she starts writing in it.

I wish for this book to go back to wherever it came from. I'm very grateful that I had it for this long, it solved all the problems for me and my children. I could rest in peace now.

She is about to close the book and put it back into the drawer before something hits her. She re-opens the book and writes on the same page, but leaves some space and writes below the first wish.

I also wish for whoever made and sent this book to me to have a loved and a happy life.

What if they don't have a life? She wonders. What if they are dead or even just not human?

And if they don't have a human life, I wish for them to have one.

She adds the last part into her wish and finally closes the book before letting out a content sigh.


"Mom.." Kalie whispers, her eyes filled with tears as she watches the men shutting the lid of the coffin, taking a final glimpse of her mother's face. "I love you, mom." She cries into the husband's shoulder who holds her tightly, wiping his own eyes and trying to be strong for her.

"Do you think the magic book can bring her back?" Little Dia asks her brother in a whisper as they are stood right beside their parents.

"I tried looking for it in the morning... It's not there anymore." The older boy says, deep in thoughts as to where the book might've gone.

"Do you think..." Dia trails off before she gets Markus' attention.

"Think what?" He asks.

"That.. the book... It went back to the other side?" She asks innocently.

"Other side?" Markus tilts his head in confusion.

"Yeah, where magic is real." She says and little Markus only shrugs.

Who knows if that side even existed. But the book was real, so probably it did. What little Dia and Markus wondered was, if just a book from that side could hold so much powers, what would happen when a living, breathing, someone would break the barriers and come to the other side?


WC: 1237
DOP: 10/12/21

( Every chapter will have a "Fact of the chapter" (FOTC) and even if the chapter doesn't have a fact, I'll tell a fact about the book or the story or just anything related to the story!)

FOTC: This prologue was the last thing that I decided to write for the book. Even the idea to add a prologue didn't hit me until I was done planning the entire book. And I had one goal while writing it, it's was to keep it entirely unrelated to Larry XD

( "Wish of the chapter" part below is for everyone, just write down whatever you wish for, it could be a completely random wish and have nothing to do with the story.)

WOTC📗: I wish this books turns out to be the best of my works so far.

A/N: The book is completely planned but not completely written yet. But! But.. I decided to start post it because it's been in the drafts for way too long and most likely would stay there if I don't post and get some motivation to write more 🤧

I really hope y'all like it! And if y'all do, don't forget to slap that ⭐ and vote XD


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