🐞15 (Part 1)🐱

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(Screenshot from the episode "Kwamibuster" )

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(Screenshot from the episode "Kwamibuster" )

Adrien's Point of View

Never had I ever felt this extreme sadness again. The last time I felt this feeling was during the days Ladybug rejected me. I continued walking towards the elevator, ignoring the raindrops that had already made me so wet.

Marinette doesn't love me anymore. Heh! How could I not realize that before? How could I not tell it to her before? How could I? How could I hurt her?

When I'm supposed to be the one protecting Marinette from anyone who hurts her.


I went inside the elevator. The door closed. With so much force, I punched the wall, leaving my knuckles bleed. Then, I looked down, clenching my fists.

"Adrien?" I heard Plagg asked. "Are you crying?"

I glanced at him and looked at myself in the glass. I wiped my tears with my fingers. "N-No."

My kwami sighed. "I can't believe you had let Marinette go with that blue-haired-guy! It was your chance!"

"Forget it, Plagg. Marinette loves Luka now so, Luka deserves Marinette. It's not a big deal anyway."


"Adrien," the voice said and knocked. "Adrien, you have a lot of mails. Most of them are from your fans."

"Come in," I replied lazily and covered myself with a pillow. "Please put it on my desk, Nathalie."

After Nathalie went away and closed the door, another voice interrupted my sleep.


"What is it, Plagg?" I asked and removed the pillow from my face. "It's five o'clock in the morning."

"Guess what celebration is today?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

Plagg rolled his eyes. "It's Valentines Day!"

"So what?" I said and yawned. "There's no school today. It's too early! Go back to be-"

"Oh c'mon, Adrien!" My kwami pouted and flew to my direction. "That's not the Adrien I know! You know, you really need to let go of your feelings for Marinette and forget her! It's a new year, kid!"

I didn't reply. Plagg's talking non-sense. How would I forget Marinette if I see and hang out with her everyday? I know he's going to tell me all about the camembert cheese he has saved in a random jar since October, not about Marinette.

I was about to cover my face with the pillow but, Plagg stopped me. "No, Adrien! You are going to read the letters or else..."

"Or else what?"

"You're not going to be Chat Noir anymore."

That's it?

"Pfft! Okay then!" I replied and covered my face with my pillow.

Just A Friend (Adrienette)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu