"Yes, I will build us a house by the lake as soon as you tell me how you'd like it."

"Me?" The music stopped. They stood and looked at each other.

"Yes, you Annabel." He smiled.

Her heart was racing with excitement. Seeing what she was seeing made her believe that things could work between them. It gave her a sense of hope.
She felt a touch on her hand.

"Come, let me introduce you to some friends,"  Rosalie said pulling her away excitedly.

"You and your man sure know how to steal a show." She added as they jostled through the crowd. 

Anna gave Harry a quick glance. They smiled at each other before she disappeared in the crowd.

"You lied to me about the dress and jewelry," Anna said.

"I was told it's a surprise, I didn't want to give away anything," Rosalie smiled, "he's got expensive taste too." She added as they approached a couple.

"Annabel Bilson, this is Clara and Bernard."

Anna and Clara made a synchronized courtesy as Bernard bowed at Anna.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss. Bilson," Bernard said, a short African American man with a big afro and personality. He took Clara's hand, a beautiful mullato woman. "This is my wife Clara."

"I'm sure she already figured that out Bernard, your hands have been all over her all night," Rosalie said jokingly.

They had a short conversation before they moved on to other people. She introduced Anna to so many people than Anna could remember.

"Anna this Betty, I promise this is the last person I'm introducing you to," Rosalie said introducing her to a skinny blond green-eyed woman.

Anna curtsied.

"It's lovely to meet you, thanks for supporting the cause," Betty said.

"The cause.... I....I..." Anna stammered.

"She doesn't know what you are talking about Betty," Rosalie interrupted firmly.

"Oh, I assumed...."

"Please stop assuming," Rosalie interrupted Betty sternly, "we have a large crowd, so we mind what we say and who to."

Betty opened and closed her mouth.

"Come on Annabel, let's go get some wine."

They walked to a waiter, Rosalie took two glasses of wine and said as she handed her a glass,

"Betty is as pretty as she's stupid, I always get worried that she'll get us in trouble."
She took a sip of wine and said, "oh well maybe I should give the girl some credit, she's managed to get away with the biggest scandal in this whole entire building."

She leaned down Anna's ear.

"You see, everyone here has a scandal, but in my opinion, Betty's beats them all....See that handsome beast standing there," she tossed her head toward a tall handsome muscular black man in a black suit laughing with a small crowd of men. "That's her valet," she said and lowered her voice, "and father to her two children."

"How is that possible?" Anna asked.

"You mean how is he not castrated and hanging on a tree?" Rosalie smirked, "Betty was married for five years without a child, then she fell pregnant, unfortunately she had a still born child, which caused her husband to die of grief suddenly.... too sad at a loss of his only child. Now here is where it gets interesting, a few days later, Williams sister, whose pregnancy no one ever saw gave birth to a mulatto baby girl who turned out to be Bettys late husband daughter from the affair he was having with Williams sister. You need to follow me carefully or you'll get confused. So, Betty took the child in and said she was going to raise her like her own.... are you following?"

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