Chapter 11

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Before reading the chapter I would suggest listening to 'Take me to church' by Hozeir. It's about a gay couple in Russia. For those who don't know, it is illegal to be gay, it's like here where it's illegal to marry someone on the same sex you can't be gay at all there and people take it into there own hands and will kill anyone gay so I suggest checking it out, I don't know if I'm going to bring it up I. This chapter but I do plan on it.

Aleks POV

I was sitting on the bench next to sly with my knees to my chest waiting to see Kevin, and waiting to know how he will react. In not going to lie I don't want to be here Eddie wanted me to go and get out of the house. I let out a laugh thinking to myself about how that wouldn't work. Looking through the crowd some more seeing Kevin looking around for us, sly noticing as well waving his hand up getting his attention. Suddenly feeling a sudden wave of nervousness wash over me as he walks over, each step closer he gets I worry more and more with many thoughts running through my mind. I guess that Eddie noticed since he sat back down and whispered that it will be okay. Realizing Kevin is right in front of me I look up at him noticing that they're talking to each other I sigh and look down pulling my legs closer to me. I don't wish to look up as I feel everyone is watching me judging me, I know it isn't true but I can't help but feel its true. I gets aped out of my thoughts when someone pokes me on the shoulder. Turning my head to face Kevin as I don't see Eddie around I give him a questioning look.

"Sly left to look for Steven. So um... How are you?" Kevin asks getting a shrug in response cause a sigh to stumble out of his mouth. Hearing a high pitched squeal.coming from in front of us I look up to see a girl wearing a nobs4lif tshirt I smile to myself .
"Omg omg omg a-are you immortalhd?!" She says or should I say screams I give her a small nod causing another squeal to to escape her lips as she sits down next to me. "Oh my gosh this is a dream come true. I'm your biggest fan ever, why haven't you been uploading recently I've missed you. Before I've even thought of something to say Kevin buts in. "Yeah actually why haven't you Aleks? Even I'm being spammed by your fans asking why." I glance over at Kevin before sighing.
" I honestly don't know why, I guess I haven't felt up to the task lately." I say looking over at her. She scans my body stopping at my wrists. " I don't mean to sound rude or anything but can check your arms." She asks. I chuckle to myself and left up my sleeve revealing the bandage beneath it. "Is that what you were looking for because that's the reason Kevin came. Seeing my wrist." I admitted rather bluntly, I look over to her seeing her shocked expression, I causally roll down my sleeve seeing Eddie and Steven walking over to the bench. I stand up walking over to the pair. "Are we leaving yet?" I ask getting I small nod from Eddie." Hey Aleks I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?" Steven asks. Rather then responding I just turn around ignoring him and walking towards the exit. I would love to tell you I felt bad about how rude I was being but I don't really give a damn. As I'm walking through the parking garage Kevin runs up so he is walking beside me.

"I hope you don't mind but you're sitting in the back with me." Kevin states as we reach the car Eddie reaching it shortly after and unlocking it, as I sit in the back next to Kevin he glances over at me." Are you going to use the seatbelt or am I putting it on for you?" Kevin asks getting a short neither from me making Eddie sigh. "Then I guess it's up to me." Reply's and reaches back putting it on me. Steven glances over at me. "Aleks what's up you seem tense." Steven questions as Kevin mumbles something under his breath, I reply with a single word and that being "life".

Hey guys its kalia! Sorry its been so long since the last update, this wont be a regular thing I promise :)

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