Chapter 9

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I was sitting in my  room staring at one of my batman posters. There has been a lot of secrets being kept from Jordan and I.    I need to know what's going on. So I texted Koots


D: We need to know what has been going on in this house 

J: I was thinking the same thing 

D: Meeting?

J: Yea

I walked into the hall and yelled "HOUSE MEETING NOW! EVERYONE IN THE LIVING ROOM"

20 minutes later 

James, Aleks, Seamus, and Sly, where all sitting on the couch. 

I was the first to speak, "Okay, I know something has been going on since the night we got drunk. We are all part of the creatures and we are all friends and you four only ones keeping secrets, so spill" I said in a strict voice. James was the first to speak " Seamus and I are dating.." I look at the both of them and reply "is that it" they both nod. "Okay you two are free to go" I watch as they both book-it up the stairs, I turn back to Aleks and Sly. "Okay now you two spill" Sly talkes "Aleks and I had sex, he's hearing voices and tried to commit suicide." I stood there shocked. "Aleks is that true?" I stair at him but as a response I get him saying "yes and I know I'm a fuck up. No need to rub it in" after that he stands up and runs to his room and quickly after him went sly yelling his name.

Hello my llamas sorry for the short chapter! My keyboard is broke so now I'm on an iPod so yea sorry!

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