Will Solace NSFW headcanons

Start from the beginning

-If he's not doing that than he likes eye contact

-But just because he likes looking at you (I've said that already lol)

-He'll hold your hand

-He also likes to stroke your cheeks (Does that sound weird?)

What are his kisses like?

-Normally there pretty soft and slow

-At least that's normally

-Like he loooves kisses

-But during sex

-There pretty intense

-Kisses during sex with Will are set with a bruising pace

-He also leaves your lips puffy and swollen

-He uses a lot of tongue

-Like I mean a lot

-He pretty much has your mouth more memorized than you do


-He is kinda loud

-how funny would it be if I told you that he just randomly sings during sex?

-Pretty funny right?

-Well he doesn't I'm just saying it would be funny

-Children of Apollo are in no means quite so during sex it's really no different

-Though he is not as loud as some *cough* Leo *cough* he still is constantly making some type of sound

-He's always at least humming

-He has enough restraint to not full on moan while you're having sex

-But yeah he always hums, even during normal kisses it just comes from the back of his throat

-He can't help it

-Since he's at camp and he is fully aware of how old some of the campers are, along with his role in camp

-He also knows he can't be loud because most likely you guys snuck off somewhere because you can't do it in his cabin, He has to many siblings, and you guys can't do it in your cabin for...Other reasons

-So you guys have to be quit because you're probably somewhere that some one might find you

-He also likes to hear you so...



-I wouldn't say he is kinky

-Because he kinda isn't that kinky


-we talked about this already but to sum up, he likes domming

-Thigh riding

-Now, he doesn't have much time on his hands so this one just happens when he want's to see you get to your high

-If you don't know what this is it's when one person (In this case the you) sits on the other persons (In this case Will) thigh and will get off with their thigh

-Body warship

-He loves taking his time going over every spot on your body and telling you just how much he loves it and why

-Praise kink

-He also loves telling you how well you're doing and how beautiful you look


-He really likes watching you masturbate

-He get's so bothered watching you do it

-Did I say he was kinda possessive?

-Not a lot, but kinda

-Having tons of siblings and kinda a low self esteem about his worth as a Demi-god does that to you

-So he'll say stuff like

- "You're mine"

- "Only I make you feel this good"

- "Mine"

-Would also like to see you in lingerie

-But is also to scared to ask you about it, thinking it might change your view on him

-Hair pulling

-Pull his hair this boy will- FUCK

-He is WEAK when you pull his hair like

-He will moan louder if you pull his hair

-But he wont pull your hair, He doesn't like hurting you.

Mini Headcanon

One time you guys were having sex in his cabin, something that didn't happen very often, because of him having so many siblings. But it was after summer so lot's of his siblings had gone home. It was at night and you weren't supposed to be at his cabin. But you weren't going to get caught. Later you found out that someone, one of his siblings, had heard you guys. And because Will made a beam of light that you had missed. They came up to you guys the day after and asked if y'all had "Fun"


1097 words

....Umm. That was long, do not came at me telling me Will is my favorite because I wont admit ANYTHING! huh. Anyway. The Mini Headcanon was kinda bad so if you have a suggestion for making a better on that suggest it, All the Heros of Olympus boys are done *pops party popper*  Anyway I'm done. Next up is sunshine boy 2

Magnus! hehehehehehe

Will: Oh I am SO your favorite

Me: When did I say that!

Will: You wrote the most about me

Me: So?

Le: *el gasp* I thought I was your favorite

Me: Oh my Gods

Percy Jackson (X)

Jason Grace (X)

Leo Valdez (X)

Nico Di Angelo (X)

Frank Zhang (X)

Will Solace (X)

Magnus Chase ( )

Hearthstone ( )

Alex ( )

Ok see you next chapter~


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