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"Hey, guys." Jake smiled as he and Marley entered the Puckerman apartment. They greeted Puck and Quinn before joining them on the couches. "How was your Thanksgiving?"

"It was nice." Quinn answered. "How was Lima? How are your moms?"

"My mom ended up having to work on Thanksgiving, but we had a nice dinner with Marley's mom." Jake said.

"We were supposed to go out, but Jake cooked." Marley added.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"What?" Marley asked.

"Quinn cooked on Thanksgiving." Puck said.

"Quinn, that's awesome." Jake replied. "What'd you make?"

"I didn't cook." Quinn clarified. "I set up the water for our mac and cheese, and then I burned my fingers, slipped on the floor, and got banned from the kitchen."

"Are you okay?" Jake asked.

Quinn nodded. "Noah cooked. Everything was delicious."

"Good." Marley nodded back. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good." Quinn replied. "I'm just ready for the baby to be here."

"We're almost done with the nursery, and we have to make sure we have a hospital bag, and then we'll just wait until he's ready." Puck added.

"Hopefully he's ready soon." Quinn stated. "I wanna be home for Christmas."

"The most important thing is that everyone's healthy." Puck said. "Right?"

"Right." Quinn nodded as she looked at Jake and Marley. "You two are almost done with school, right?"

"Yeah, I have my last day of classes this week." Jake said. "And finals the next two weeks."

"I have finals next week." Marley added. "And then I'm going to Lima for the holidays."

"Yeah, me, too." Jake nodded.

"Well, you can meet your nephew when you come back for the spring semester." Puck said. "And on FaceTime."

"Perfect." Jake grinned.

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