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Quinn knocked on Rachel's apartment door and waited for the brunette to answer. The door opened and Rachel stood there with a smile on her face.

"Hey, Quinn. Come inside."

Quinn entered the apartment, and she and Rachel sat on the couch.

"I'm surprised to see you since Noah said he's home for good. I figured you'd wanna take advantage of that." Rachel stated.

"Noah hasn't slept in a few days." Quinn informed Rachel.

"I love you guys, but I don't need to know that." Rachel replied.

"No." Quinn shook her head. "I mean, we have, but no. He just... He can't sleep."

Rachel furrowed her eyebrow.

"Anyway." Quinn said with a shrug. "I figured I'd go out so the apartment is quiet and he can sleep so here I am."

"Well, I'm glad you're here." Rachel told Quinn.

"Me, too." Quinn said. "I wanted to tell you something."

Before Quinn could go on, the apartment door opened, and Kurt and Blaine entered with numerous shopping bags.

"Hey, guys!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Hi, ladies." Blaine smiled as he and Kurt greeted Rachel and Quinn.

"Hi." Quinn said.

"Blaine and I have been out shopping all day." Kurt stated. "I had to stop him from buying a baby onesie."

"It had bowties on it!" Blaine exclaimed. "It was really cute."

Rachel smiled as she looked at Quinn. "Kurt and Blaine recently started meeting with adoption agencies."

"So Blaine has baby fever." Kurt added as he and Blaine sat down.

"Someone needs to have a baby soon." Blaine said as he looked at Rachel.

Quinn nodded. "Actually-"

"Did you two know Noah's home?" Rachel cut Quinn off. "He got discharged."

"He did?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, he's been home for a few months, but we were waiting to find out when he was supposed to go back." Quinn explained. "And he can't go back because of his shoulder so he's home for good now."

"Good." Blaine said. "I mean, not the shoulder thing, but good that he's home now."

"Yeah." Quinn agreed. "And speaking of Noah being home, he and I kinda have some big news."

"Did you finally agree to marry him?" Rachel asked.

"He hasn't asked me yet, but we've talked about it." Quinn replied. "But no, it's something else."

Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine looked at each other and then back at Quinn.

"Well, Blaine, you said someone needs to have a baby soon." Quinn stated. "And thanks to me and Noah, you just have to wait, like, six more months."

"Wait, are you serious?" Rachel asked with a smile.

Quinn grinned and nodded. "We're having a baby."

"Quinn!" Kurt smiled. "That's amazing!"

"Congratulations!" Blaine added excitedly.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Rachel said as she hugged Quinn. "Are you excited?"

"Thank you." Quinn smiled as she looked at her friends. "We're excited, and a little nervous. We've done it before, but we haven't."

"You two are gonna be so good." Kurt told Quinn.

"Yeah." Blaine agreed. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel better now that the first trimester is over." Quinn said. "It's starting to feel more real since we're telling everyone. And our families are really excited."

"You need to have a baby shower." Rachel decided.

"You sound like Santana." Quinn said, shaking her head.

"You need to." Rachel repeated.

"We'll see." Quinn shrugged. "It depends on everything else. If Noah and I get engaged, I wanna focus on that stuff, too."

"Well, you can do whatever you want." Rachel said.

"But we need at least one New Directions' party out of this." Blaine smiled.

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