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Quinn and Puck spent the rest of the summer in Lima with Puck's family. Puck kept up with his therapist through phone calls and videochats. He used the time in Lima to explain things to Sarah and Ruth, and he spent time with Jake and Sarah before they went back to school.

When Quinn and Puck headed back to New York in early September, everyone was in a much better place as far as understanding and being supportive, which was good for Puck. Quinn was grateful for that.

The weeks went by fast. Quinn and Puck were busy with their doctors' appointments and planning for the baby and the wedding.

"Hey." Puck said as he entered the apartment, closing the door behind him.

"Hey." Quinn smiled. "How was your appointment?"

"It was good." Puck said as he kissed Quinn's cheek and joined her on the couch, looking at the magazines sprawled out on the living room table. "What's all this stuff?"

"Wedding magazines." Quinn answered. "From Kurt and Rachel. They've been collecting these."

Puck nodded slowly. "Have you made any decisions about the wedding yet?"

"Not yet." Quinn responded. "It's our wedding. I want you to have an opinion and I wanna make the decisions together."

"Okay." Puck said. "Do you wanna get married before the baby's here or after?"

Quinn laughed lightly.

Puck looked at her.

"You're serious?" Quinn noted. "Noah, we're, like, two and a half months away from having a baby. There's no time to plan a wedding before he comes."

"So what's the plan?" Puck wondered.

"Well, I figured we could get married next summer." Quinn shrugged. "It'll give us enough time to plan, and it'll give me enough time to lose the baby weight."

"You're beautiful." Puck reminded Quinn. "Either way."

Quinn smiled as she leaned in and lightly kissed Puck's lips. When she pulled away, she looked at him. "Although part of me wants to be a Puckerman before our baby comes into the world."

"We could get married before he's born, you know." Puck noted.

"Here." Quinn said as she handed Puck one of the magazines.

"Why are you giving me this?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"So you can go through it and then tell me you still think we could get married before December." Quinn answered.

"I'm serious." Puck said as he put the magazine down on the table and looked at Quinn. "We could go make it official now and plan a ceremony and reception whenever you're ready. Whatever you want."

"You would have two weddings for me?" Quinn asked.

"I would have a hundred weddings if I meant I got to marry you." Puck smiled.

Quinn grinned.

"We can do whatever you want." Puck told Quinn. "Just think about it."

"I will." Quinn said.

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