"I was 16 before my dyslexic brain could spell metaphorically, even now I get it wrong at times. Reid may be a genius but the rest of us are pretty average at recalling the past. Besides, if they teach then they will have a list of names. Teaching doesn't mix well with disorganisation. Double bookings can lessen your credibility and even put you out of business." Reid wrote on the board following Elora's words and Morgan looked up.

"Dyslexic? I would never have known. You seem pretty good to me, I guess people change." His smile quirked before he then winked at her.

"It's called, having a lonely life so you distract yourself from the sad truth by reading books. Mr Darcy became my only friend growing up. Besides, I never would have known that you once had hair if I hadn't seen a picture of you with it and I never would have believed that Prentiss went through a goth stage at high school if I hadn't seen that awful picture of her looking like she back brushed her hair with an entire hedge. Penelope also has an emo stage before the FBI. What I am saying is, our past isn't always obvious. Things change and in those three instances, I agree with the change. Especially you Emily." Her mouth practically fell to the floor and eyes went wide.

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bad and why did Garcia show you?" The slow headshake made Prentiss close her mouth as she looked at the woman.

"I saw the picture when I did some of my own research. What I will say is, if someone told me that I could go to prom but I had to let you do my hair, I would still stay at home." Elora's smile was wide and a laugh almost escaped.

"You didn't go to prom?!" JJ had exclaimed before leaning forward.

"There was an influenza outbreak just before. I had a dress and even a date but it was too risky." JJ's face fell into one of sorrow before looking back at the work.

The team poured over the work for hours before the coffee began to be drunk and Elora managed to walk in with some food.

"Chocolate sprinkles?!" Spencer gasped as she placed it before him and the rest of the team also took a doughnut.

"We need to go and talk to the family and friends that came here with them. Captain, can you connect us on videos? Midnight and Rossi can stay in here, if both of you could try and build up a profile. Garcia isn't doing anything right now so she is free for you two." The teams of two left, the door shutting slowly as they spoke to one another.

"He fits into the area. A local obviously, probably very fit. He keeps these women underwater and they are all very strong. The killings started a few months ago as well so what was his trigger?" Rossi had grown exhausted of thinking of that same question as Elora spoke up.

"Girlfriend dumped him or his sister upset him maybe. All of the victims are visiting from another state. Perhaps they are holidaymakers because locals are either not going to him or none of them have met his criteria. Some of the victims are single but, some are lesbians so cheating is out of the picture. He doesn't kill them because they flirt with him either. If he spends a lot of time on the beach then he would have to tan. Whether it is naturally or due to constant exposure. The killer may not register as being a trainer but there is work all year. October through to December still sees big numbers of visitors." The pair had come to a stop before finally, Rossi chirped up.

"With this much strength and how badly planned out this is, he is approachable and whoever they are, no one has spotted anything out of the ordinary so there is some sophistication. I think that we are looking for a man in his mid to late thirties."

"Aren't we all?" Elora sighed out and Rossi laughed before clicking the phone that was connected to the table.

"Garcia." His voice was broadcast and Elora watched him closely.

"Speak and I will answer." At her response, Rossi turned to the board and then back to his tablet.

"I need a list of all the paddleboard instructors. They will be in their mid to late thirties and they will look tanned. If there is any evidence of a breakup then that would help." Cogs were working and Elora walked over to the front of the desk before taking another seat.

"I'll call you back when I have it." A single beep left the phone before the pair looked at one another.

"And now we wait." The sighed out sentence was over in a second as Elora leant back in her seat.

"You could open up that letter that you have been carrying around with you for the past two weeks. Or you could tell me why you look like you got in a fight." Her face told a story of sadness as lines grew on her face and eyelids closed in slow blinks.
"What is the letter about that it has you so scared anyway?" After a slow moment, the letter was taken from her bag and placed on the desk. The logo was seen in a second.
"The hospital? I see, your results." Her nod was eventually made and the letter pulled back to sit right in front of her.

"This letter is going to tell me one of two things. Either it was all clear or I need to book an appointment with my doctor. If that happens then I will have to leave the BAU and start treatment. I will probably have to move back to England and live with one of my brothers. Angus and his husband have always made it clear that they would always let me stay." Elora had spoken blandly as her eyes glossed over the paper, Rossi taking the chance to rest a hand on hers.

"I know that you are more likely to get it again if you had it a first time but maybe it will be okay. And maybe you can work here for a little while longer." Elora shook her head at his answer so violently that Rossi passed a comforting smile.

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