If He Can.

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The station had barely been entered when a wave of noise was washed over the team. Continuous movements of bodies and incessant movement of jaws meant that no silence could be found. That was until the BAU entered their room.

"Ah, Elora and Dave are here. We were just about to interview Harry Flower." Hotch's dark eyes stuck to the file as he spoke.

"If he is the unsub then he will crave to be in control. Perhaps if we don't give it to him then he will crack." Spencer spoke and his voice became higher as the words left.

"But he responds to females. If this Harry guy is guilty then he will have issues with women. The men were always left alone and his anger was taken out on the wife. He blamed the victims for being powerful but not their husbands for being too weak. Perhaps it would be best if JJ and Emily go in." As Morgan spoke, JJ appeared but shook her head.

"I arrested him so he knows me. Besides, Emily and Elora both speak Spanish." The file she held was hit against her palm as she spoke and Hotch nodded along with her words.

"There is no greater control lost than when they can't even speak the language." Spencer sounded airy but soon the two women had entered the interview room.

"No he comido en todo el día. Tal vez podríamos ir por algunos chinos." The folders were placed onto the desk and neither woman looked to the man on the other side of the desk.

The other side of the glass never let their eyes fall, his micro-expressions and controlled movements never being missed.

"Aaron Hotchner?" Dark eyes had moved from the interview room and slowly the smart suit moved over to the man who had spoken.

"And you are?" Hotch found his eyes narrowing and his body slowly growing in stature before the other man. Smooth skin and shining blue eyes met Hotch's pale skin and dark eyes.

"Jacob Petersons. I have been trying to get ahold of Special Agent Elora Burton but she hasn't answered yet." A badge was then pulled and flashed at Hotch before being slipped away.

"She never mentioned anything to me and right now, she is interviewing a suspect."

"Well, ask someone else to do it. I don't have much time." Hotch had no chance to speak further as the new arrival pushed forward.

"With all due respect, she has to be in there. Interviews can't just change like this. We need women in there and there has to be a wall built up. Something that Emily has been doing with Burton since they got in there." Hotch's words dragged the team from their close up observations as they kept their ears tuned and eyes trained forward.

"Well, change the plans. There is more than one way to get the truth out of someone."

"I'm sorry. I'm Agent Jareau, and if you are suggesting what I think you are then Midnight won't be going easily. Spencer coached her and Prentiss on how to react and what to ask. She knows that we don't have the time to mess around if he is our guy." Her blonde hair swayed as JJ walked over to the pair who had been talking.

"You have five seconds before I go in there and get her myself." Two of Hotch's fingers sprung out and JJ's peripheral caught sight of the gesture before heading in.

"Burton." Slowly the agent stood and walked over to the door. A few whispers being shared before she left the room.

"Hotch, I can get it out of this guy. His body language and his words show that he meets the profile we have formed. He has no alibi and his reaction is practically a verb because I can nearly touch it." Her eyes had grown cold and her shoulders that were once hunched had straightened out.

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