"Let's get to work, babe." As the word 'babe' left his mouth Fred froze, turning around slowly as he glared at Draco.

"What did you just call her?" He asked. I stood there in shock. Utterly confused by Draco's words and curious about Fred's reaction.

"I called her babe. I mean look at her. She's a babe. Don't you think so Fred?" He questions as Fred begins walking up to him. I could tell he was gritting his teeth. George stood behind him. I could tell he was ready to strike at any moment in case his brother needed him.

"I think you need to show (Y/n) some respect, Malfoy."

"I do respect (Y/n). I respect how hot she is too." Draco wrapped his arm around me, bringing me in close to him.

"Draco? What the hell are you doing?" I asked not moving from his grasp.

"Look at Fred (Y/n). See his face?" I looked at Fred for a moment. His ears were red, his eyes looked as though they were burning a hole through Draco's forehead. He looked furious. Then he began to look confused as he listened to the conversation both Draco and I were having.

"If he didn't care about you (Y/n). He wouldn't get this mad. Watch this."
"I also care about her enough to tell her exactly how I feel" He spoke clearly and loud towards Fred's direction. Draco's hand then pinched my right but cheek , I jumped in surprise but before I knew it, Fred had Draco's arm twisted behind his back. Draco didn't show any sign of pain, there was only a stupid grin resting on his face.

"See. Now if this guy moved on and didn't have a thing for you anymore, I wouldn't be in this position."

"Wait, wait, wait. What the hell is going on right now?" George intervened as he made his brother drop Malfoy's arm.

"What's going on is that you have this beautiful girl behind you, believing that she isn't good enough. She thinks you finally realized you only liked her as a friend.-" I cut Draco off.

"Draco, please shut up..." But he only continued.

"And if her thoughts are correct Fred, I have to believe you are dumber than you look." He finished as Fred slowly turned around to face me. A shocked expression on his face.

"I thought you wanted to take things slow (Y/n)?" I could feel my knees starting to shake out of fear. Why did Draco do this? This is not what I wanted. I didn't pour my feelings out to him so he could go blabber it all to Fred! Fred has the right to make his own choices. I don't want him to want me because he feels sorry for me.

"It's been two months man, and you haven't even tried to kiss her? Or even talk to her about what's going on in her life? Do you think she comes here every day excited to clean your store? You really are a dimwit, aren't you?" Draco blabbered on. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I have never felt more embarrassed in my entire life. So many embarrassing things have happened to me this year, but this one takes the cake.

"Melons beard, Draco, please shut it!" As I yelled I heard the doorbell chime as someone walked in. Which was odd, the store was closed no one should have come here. When the persons figure caught my eye, my stomach dropped to the floor. I almost threw up.

Standing in front of me was Severus Snape. There was silence for a moment. I could see the shock in Draco's face and the confusion in the twins.

"Umm... can we help you, Professor?" George chimed in. Severus ignored them as he looked at me. His black eyes holding concern that only made me angry.

"(Y/n)... I-"

"Severus, save it. I am so done with all of it. All of this!" I yelled gesturing around the entire room.

"You hear me!" I yelled louder.

"You broke me, Severus. Not my heart, me. Everything about me feels broken because of you! I am angry. I am appalled that you would even come here. To see if I was telling the truth about my friends? To see if you misjudged the situation like you always do! Well, I'm gonna be 100% honest with you right now. Over the last month, I HAVE developed a crush here on Frederick. You wanna know why? BECAUSE HE IS NICE TO ME! Because when he is around, I smile more than I cry. Instead of feeling scared and worried all the time I feel relaxed. Oh! And another big thing."

I turned to Draco this time too. I was mad at him for blowing up on Fred and sharing all my secrets I had recently vented to him about. My emotions were hurdling out of my mouth all at once, and I knew I was going to regret this later, but at the moment it felt good.

"He has never once. Ever. For as long as I've known him. Has ever called me a slut. And I have known him a lot longer than I have known either of you." I turned toward the twins, my eyes connecting with Fredericks milky brown irises.

"I am so sorry... for all of this, I-" I began to space out. I could feel the tears prickling at my eyes as a dull headache entered my temples.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Fred asked, but I felt Severus's arms wrap around my frame.

"Listen, (N/n). I'm so sorry. For everything, if we could just have a moment to talk." I stretched my arms out, slowly pushing his touch away.

"Please stop touching me. I don't even know why you're here."

"I'm here because I love you..." His hand caressed my cheek as tears came to my eyes. The fact that Severus was showing affection for me in front of other people would have made me ecstatic 4 months ago. But now... I just wanted it to end.

"Love isn't supposed to hurt this much Sev... I'm sorry... I don't want this anymore. I want to be happy. I want to feel like myself again..." I could see the hurt in his eyes but he only kissed my hand before letting me go.

"Please... don't make the same mistakes I did." He said to Fred as he left. It was silent. A dead silent. The kind of silence that made a mouse uncomfortable. I stood at the floor in disbelief. This all felt like a dream. I felt so drained, so tired... so emotionless. The quiet lasted for only a minute or so, then George popped a lollipop I had only now realized he had been eating out of his mouth.

"You were dating a teacher?" His voice broke up the awkwardness.

"That's bloody awesome, though." George continued as Fred gave him a look of disappointment. It was quiet for a moment longer.!(

"I think I'm gonna get going now..." I said. But without hesitation, Fred protested.

"No... Why don't you stay here tonight! I don't think you should be alone..." Frederick paused before continuing his sentence.

"Plus, I really would enjoy your company..." Just then Draco winked at me with a grin forming on his face. I tried hard not to laugh. After all of that emotional drama with Severus showing up out of nowhere, Draco's plan became clear to me. What a cunning, manipulative Slytherin...

"Well! That's my cue to leave!" Draco stated as he began to exit while whispering

"You can thank me later" in my ear as he passed by me.

"Yeah, same here. Have the place to yourselves tonight. I'll go crash at Mum and Dads." I felt like I was still in shock with everything that happened. I was confused and... I wouldn't say heartbroken. But relieved that everything with Severus was finally over. As much as I cared for that man, after everything that happened... I would never be able to look at him the same...  It was over.

And i'm ready to start moving on.

And i'm ready to start moving on

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